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    Philomena Disappoints, But See It Anyway for Judi Dench and Steve Coogan’s Performances

    Philomena Disappoints, But See It Anyway for Judi Dench and Steve Coogan’s Performances

    Dame Judi Dench plays the title role in Philomena, a film “inspired by true events.” Her character is a working-class Irish woman who was sent to a convent as a…

    Macklemore and Lewis are Equality Champions

    Today, United Nations Free & Equal – the UN human rights office’s public information campaign for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality – announced that hip hop duo Macklemore…

    Celebrating 35 Years – Bay Times

    Celebrating 35 Years – Bay Times

    The Bay Times is the oldest fully LGBT funded and owned newspaper for our community in Northern California. It was the first paper in California, and among the first in…

    FITNESS SF Announces New Location at Twitter World Headquarters

    FITNESS SF Announces New Location at Twitter World Headquarters

    (Editor’s Note: The Bay Times joins FITNESS SF in welcoming their new marketing manager, Michael Globits. Here, Michael and his colleagues at the FITNESS SF SOMA location share some FAQ’s…

    Over the Tabletop

    Over the Tabletop

    Each year, my partner Philip and I kick off the Holiday Season by attending DINING BY DESIGN, the annual fundraiser sponsored by DIFFA, Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS Over…

    The Temescal: An East Bay Urban Village

    The Temescal: An East Bay Urban Village

    There’s a “happening” in the East Bay! Let me be your guide. I recently met a client who decided that the real estate reality of buying a home in San…

    Housing Market Forecast for 2014

    Housing Market Forecast for 2014

    I closed last month’s column with a very brief statement about California Association of REALTORS® (CAR) releasing its annual Housing Market Forecast for 2014. In short, it looks as if…

    Staying Sane & In-Shape During the Holidays

    Staying Sane & In-Shape During the Holidays

    Wow, another year has flown by, it’s almost Thanksgiving, and then we’re plunged headlong into the joys, stresses and general craziness of THE HOLIDAYS. While these next 6 weeks will…

    Then and Now

    Then and Now

    The Bay Times is the oldest fully LGBT funded and owned newspaper for our community in Northern California. It was the first paper in California, and among the first in…

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana sez, “In the agreement to end the government shutdown, a Budget Conference Committee was set up to find a ‘long-term budget agreement.’ The committee is meeting in the…

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