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    Speaking to Your Soul 6.13.24

    Speaking to Your Soul 6.13.24

    By Elisa Quinzi– Our consciousness is invited to see beyond the illusion of separation. We are peeking behind the curtain of our current paradigm and discovering we have been living…

    Speaking to Your Soul: 9.7.23

    Speaking to Your Soul: 9.7.23

    By Elisa Quinzi– Currently we might be more vulnerable to self-deception; to escaping from the present into substances, compulsive behaviors, and fantasies. But our soul knows there is more beyond…

    Speaking to Your Soul: 8.10.23

    Speaking to Your Soul: 8.10.23

    By Elisa Quinzi– The norms and expectations of our environment have a powerful influence on the choices we make in life. Our need for love and belonging is primal and…

    Speaking to Your Soul: 6.8.23

    Speaking to Your Soul: 6.8.23

    By Elisa Quinzi– In a given moment we have access to an onslaught of stimuli competing for our attention. Sensory overload results in a splintering of self. Frayed, we are…

    Speaking to Your Soul 4.06.23

    Speaking to Your Soul 4.06.23

    By Elisa Quinzi– It’s time to take a stand and lead ourselves. We are called to charge ahead to create the new destiny. Everything that’s not love must be integrated;…

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    The atmosphere is ripe for sudden breakthroughs. Tension can give way to illumination. As we loosen our grip on our narrow framework of reality, evolutionary leaps in consciousness can occur.…

    Speaking to Your Soul

    Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi– Our restless energy is looking for form. We may be alive on this beautiful Earth, born into chaos, but what is our purpose? Some would say to…

    Speaking to Your Soul

    Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi– How many lessons have we each learned about the gifts that often come in the wake of loss? There is freedom to be gained as we unearth…

    Speaking to Your Soul

    Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi– We each have a right to be here, and to be ourselves within certain agreed-upon limits that are for the greater good, such as not being free…

    Speaking to Your Soul

    Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi– Life has a way of humbling us. Humility is necessary for us all to get along. Now is the time we ask what our part is in…

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