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    Three Writers and a Publicist Walk Into a Bar

    Three Writers and a Publicist Walk Into a Bar

    By Michele Karlsberg– Michele Karlsberg: This past March I presented a workshop on publicity and marketing for writers at the Saints and Sinners Literary Festival in New Orleans. I spoke about how…

    My Epidemic: An AIDS Memoir of One Man’s Struggle as Doctor, Patient, and Survivor

    My Epidemic: An AIDS Memoir of One Man’s Struggle as Doctor, Patient, and Survivor

    By Michele Karlsberg– Michele Karlsberg: When Dr. Andrew Faulk first learned that he was HIV-positive, he was devastated. At the time, the diagnosis could have meant imminent death for the outstanding young…

    Words: Author Helen Klonaris Sparks Dialogue Concerning Intersecting Issues Like Queerness and Racism

    Words: Author Helen Klonaris Sparks Dialogue Concerning Intersecting Issues Like Queerness and Racism

    By Michele Karlsberg Michele Karlsberg: Your short stories tackle colonialism, religious fundamentalism, homophobia and sexism. Tell me more about your writing, which addresses what is important to many of us now.…

    Subject Matters

    Subject Matters

    Michele Karlsberg: How did you become involved with the subject or theme of your book? Elisabeth Nonas: Story Workout grew out of my experiences as a writer and teacher of…

    Michele Karlsberg: Are there underrepresented groups or ideas featured in your book? Laura Antoniou: As a longtime member of the alt-sex communities, I decided there needed to be a book…

    Logic or Intuition

    Logic or Intuition

    James Chen, the American born Chinese star of fashion-set romance Front Cover, is looking effortlessly arty, dressed in jeans, boots, and a long sleeve black shirt as he waits for…



    Michele Karlsberg: What is the biggest thing that people think they know about your current book’s subject/genre that isn’t so? Chris Paynter: There is an expression: “You can’t judge a…



    Michele Karlsberg: What was the spark that ignited your novel? Steven Coulter: I was bored with endless pundits and academics prognosticating about a possible dark future for America as social,…

    Experiences = Emotion

    Experiences = Emotion

    Michele Karlsberg: When writing your book, did you draw from your own painful experiences and emotions? Was it hard for you to incorporate them? James Magruder: As with all of…

    Subject Matter and Theme

    Subject Matter and Theme

    Michele Karlsberg: What is the difference between subject matter and theme in your work? Steven Cordova: Subject matter is a stepping-stone on the way to theme. Without subject, there’s no…

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