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    Poetry in Motion

    Poetry in Motion

    Michele Karlsberg: How does a poem begin for you? Is it with an idea, a form, or an image? Why is poetry important? Michael Broder: A poem usually begins for…

    Time Management

    Time Management

    Michele Karlsberg: How do you find the time to write? Laury A. Egan: Perhaps the question should be: How do I find time to clean the house, pay bills, and…

    What’s More Important: Character or Plot?

    What’s More Important: Character or Plot?

    Michele Karlsberg: When writing, what is more important to you, character development or plot? Vanda: For me, character is everything. As a psychologist, I am fascinated by the varieties of…

    What Helps and Hurts When Learning to Write

    What Helps and Hurts When Learning to Write

    Michele Karlsberg: What did you find most useful in learning to write? What was the least useful or most destructive? Felice Picano: Aside from the basic English 101 class everyone…

    Real Life=Bestsellers

    Real Life=Bestsellers

    By Michele Karlsberg Michelle Karlsberg: In your books, are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? Michael Gerhard Martin: In a sense, everything I write…



    By Michele Karlsberg Michele Karlsberg: What inspires you to write? RJ Martin: I don’t consider the act of writing as coming from inspiration. It’s more of a compulsion. What I…

    For Better, For Worse

    For Better, For Worse

    Michele Karlsberg: What is the best and worst part about being a writer? Michael Graves: I have always been a fiction writer. My father and I, when I was a…

    Q&A with Dr. Warrick Stewart, Author of Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle Happens: A Relationship Guidebook for Same-Sex Couples

    Q&A with Dr. Warrick Stewart, Author of Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle Happens:  A Relationship Guidebook for Same-Sex Couples

    Michele Karlsberg: How long have you been doing couples counseling and relationship work? Dr. Warrick Stewart: I have been a Psychotherapist for more than six years. The majority of my…



    Michele Karlsberg: Are there underrepresented groups or ideas featured in your book/books? If so, discuss them. Nathan Burgoine: One of the things about being queer that’s a challenge is that…

    The Intersection of Teaching and Writing

    The Intersection of Teaching and Writing

    Michele Karlsberg: How does the intersection of teaching and writing affect you? Leslea Newman: According to George Bernard Shaw, “Those who can, do; those who can’t teach.” Hogwash! I propose…

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