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    You Are They/Them: Election 2024

    You Are They/Them: Election 2024

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– As Election Day 2024 draws ever closer, we were deeply disturbed to read in major news outlets last week how the campaigns of Donald…

    Spread the Word

    Spread the Word

    By Joanie Juster– As we race headlong toward what is generally considered to be the most consequential election of our lifetime, it is clear that voter turnout is going to…

    Unlocking Your Money Motivation

    Unlocking Your Money Motivation

    By Brandon Miller– As a financial advisor, my actual job is to help folks save for retirement along with all of their other life goals. Perhaps surprisingly, much of what…

    The Donum Estate: A Magical World of Wine, Nature, and Art

    The Donum Estate: A Magical World of Wine, Nature, and Art

    By Leslie Sbrocco– Looking for an exceptional place to visit in Wine Country? I have just the spot: The Donum Estate. Donum is the Latin word for “gift,” and a visit…

    High School Reunions: Friend or Foe?

    High School Reunions: Friend or Foe?

    By David Landis, The Gay Gourmet– I’m taking a slight detour for my column this week to, of all places, St. Louis. Why? I just celebrated my high school reunion…

    Let’s Toast to Diwali: A Celebration of Light and Life

    Cocktails with Dina As the calendar shifts into November, our lives start to get filled with all the seasonal celebrations this time of year brings. One celebration that opens up…

    Memories of Cleve Jones

    Memories of Cleve Jones

    By Joanie Juster– There are people who change your life from the very moment you meet them. Cleve Jones is one of those people. Mind you, he was already “the”…

    San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus to Present World Premiere of Song Based on the Words of Cleve Jones

    San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus to Present World Premiere of Song Based on the Words of Cleve Jones

    By Dr. Tim Seelig– How do you honor an LGBTQ+ hero who has had books and articles written about him, movies and documentaries made about his life, and more plaques…

    Walking in the Steps of Our Trancestors Fighting for Liberation

    Walking in the Steps of Our Trancestors Fighting for Liberation

    By Honey Mahogany– Trans women of color and queer women have always been at the forefront of LGBTQ liberation. Back before it was called the Gay Liberation Front, it was…

    Speaking to Your Soul: 10.3.24

    Speaking to Your Soul: 10.3.24

    By Elisa Quinzi– We have a unique opportunity to release our ghosts of the past, and step confidently forward with trust in something bigger. By relaxing our grip, we allow…

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