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    Ann Rostow: Let’s Go Democrats

    Ann Rostow: Let’s Go Democrats

    By Ann Rostow– Let’s Go Democrats What the hell, you guys! We have just experienced one of the most ambitious and successful Presidential terms in our lifetimes. We have weathered…

    Ann Rostow: Only in Oslo

    Ann Rostow: Only in Oslo

    By Ann Rostow– Only in Oslo! I know I should begin with the big news that the Supreme Court has decided to review a transgender health care case, specifically the…

    Ann Rostow: Bucket All

    Ann Rostow: Bucket All

    By Ann Rostow– Bucket All It’s been so long, dear Readers. I’ve missed you! Mel is recovering from the six-hour back surgery, although she can’t really get around well enough…

    Ann Rostow: Houston, We Have a Problem

    Ann Rostow: Houston, We Have a Problem

    By Ann Rostow– Houston, We Have a Problem My wife is having a six-hour back surgery while I’m supposed to be writing this column, so forgive me if my prose…

    Ann Rostow: Fourth Circuit Leading the Way

    Ann Rostow: Fourth Circuit Leading the Way

    By Ann Rostow– Fourth Circuit Leading the Way One of the most interesting decisions on our “coming up soon” list was just announced last week, namely the ruling by the…

    Ann Rostow: The Shadow Doesn’t Know

    Ann Rostow: The Shadow Doesn’t Know

    By Ann Rostow– The Shadow Doesn’t Know I’m not sure what to make of the Supreme Court’s first ruling on the subject of transgender youth, effectively reinstating Idaho’s ban on…

    Ann Rostow: Transgender Bunnies Unite

    Ann Rostow: Transgender Bunnies Unite

    By Ann Rostow– Transgender Bunnies Unite Here’s an odd one that I somehow missed earlier. In late February, a divided three judge panel at the U.S. Court of Appeals for…

    Ann Rostow: Brrrrrr

    Ann Rostow: Brrrrrr

    By Ann Rostow– Brrrrrr In the last year or so, we’ve seen a drop in support for same-sex marriage and gay rights in general. But here’s a big addition to…

    Ann Rostow: Nordic Grey

    Ann Rostow: Nordic Grey

    By Ann Rostow– Nordic Grey So, Norway is doing something with its policy on transgender youth, maybe. I don’t know. I read a translation of an article in Verdens Gang that seemed…

    Ann Rostow: Whither the Transmen?

    Ann Rostow: Whither the Transmen?

    By Ann Rostow– Whither the Transmen? Here’s something I’ve written about many times, which I stopped mentioning in an effort not to belabor the point and annoy my cherished readers.…

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