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    Ann Rostow: Where Woke Goes to Die

    Ann Rostow: Where Woke Goes to Die

    By Ann Rostow– Where Woke Goes to Die I was going to lead this column with the story about Lauri Carleton, the (straight) California shop owner who was shot dead…

    Ann Rostow: Dog Days

    By Ann Rostow– Dog Days Apropos of nothing, are we headed for successive generations named for letters of the alphabet? The “Greatest Generation” fought a world war to earn their…

    Ann Rostow Life Is Short

    Ann Rostow Life Is Short

    By Ann Rostow– Life Is Short I just re-read my previous column, which I always do before I get started in order to make sure that I don’t repeat myself,…

    Ann Rostow: Trans Care in the Crosshairs

    Ann Rostow: Trans Care in the Crosshairs

    By Ann Rostow– Trans Care in the Crosshairs I should, by rights, begin this column with a discussion of the Colorado website designer who was just given the High Court’s…

    Ann Rostow: The Truth Is Out There

    Ann Rostow: The Truth Is Out There

    By Ann Rostow– The Truth Is Out There It’s always hard to decide how to start this column. I go back over a dozen possible lead stories and check for…

    Ann Rostow: Trump Judge Tells Tennessee Where to Stuff Its Drag Ban

    Ann Rostow: Trump Judge Tells Tennessee Where to Stuff Its Drag Ban

    By Ann Rostow– Trump Judge Tells Tennessee Where to Stuff Its Drag Ban For the first time in many weeks, I have something positive to report at the top of…

    Ann Rostow: Small Favors

    Ann Rostow: Small Favors

    By Ann Rostow– Small Favors The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of a transgender migrant woman from Guatemala who is seeking asylum in a 9–0 decision, reversing a…

    Ann Rostow: Look At Me

    Ann Rostow: Look At Me

    By Ann Rostow– Look At Me I see that I spent the entirety of “lesbian visibility week” (in late April) lounging around the house reading trashy novels, watching TV, and…

    Ann Rostow: Biden Offers Trans Sports Policy

    Ann Rostow: Biden Offers Trans Sports Policy

    By Ann Rostow– Biden Offers Trans Sports Policy The big news this week is the Department of Education’s announcement of transgender sports policies for public schools, a 116-page document that…

    Ann Rostow: Say Cheese

    Ann Rostow: Say Cheese

    By Ann Rostow– Say Cheese Thinking of Trump Arraignment Day, I must say I’ve had just about enough of the pointless nonstop cable news coverage. Hour after hour, we were…