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    Home » 2014 » March (Page 2)

    Holy Deadlock

    Holy Deadlock

    In my last column I shared the startling finding, by couples researcher John Gottman, that fully 69% of the conflicts that couples have in relationships are never resolved. Relationships survive,…

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    Sister Dana Sez:  Words of Wisdumb From a Fun Nun

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “The latest polling on the U.S. Senate races is not good. Repugnicans need 6 seats to take control, and they’re easily within…



    (Editor’s Note: In this issue, we welcome intuitive astrology consultant Linda Amburgey to the “Bay Times.” Both she and Gypsy Love will be reading the stars for you in their…

    Interfaith Ministry and Ordination Vows

    Interfaith Ministry and Ordination Vows

    Interfaith is not a religion. It walks among the religions. Interfaith begins when we create a bridge between one set of beliefs and traditions and another. We start by listening…

    Pride Bursting Out at the California Democratic Convention

    Pride Bursting Out at the California Democratic Convention

    Earlier this month, we spoke at the California Democratic Convention celebration of the tenth anniversary of San Francisco’s “Winter of Love,” when over 4,000 same-sex couples from all over the…

    Alan Turing: The Father of Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

    Alan Turing: The Father of Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

    Alan Turing, according to Winston Churchill, made the single greatest contribution to the Allied victory in World War II. Churchill’s colleagues agreed. Without Turing, one stated, “I and many people…

    News from the GLBT Historical Society & The GLBT History Museum

    News from the GLBT Historical Society & The GLBT History Museum

    The archives of the GLBT Historical Society hold thousands of boxes of irreplaceable historical materials. Ever wonder what’s involved in making the contents available to researchers? Juliet Demeter is just…

    Dreamy Convergence: Ann Hampton Callaway and the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus

    Dreamy Convergence: Ann Hampton Callaway and the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus

    Whoever paired multiplatinum-selling singer and composer Ann Hampton Callaway with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC) gets our heartfelt gratitude. Swoon! To set the mood for what’s ahead, do…

    Geography Club Plays Out All the Dramas of Queer Teen Life

    Geography Club Plays Out All the Dramas of Queer Teen Life

    Geography Club, now out on DVD, is a loose adaptation of Brent Hartinger’s fine young adult book about gay teen Russell Middlebrook (the appealing Cameron Deane Stewart) navigating high school…

    Soprano Saxophonist Tony Bragano Lulls Listeners Into Sweet Surrender

    Soprano Saxophonist Tony Bragano Lulls Listeners Into Sweet Surrender

    As a performing artist in the wonderful city of San Francisco and the Bay Area, I get the ultimate pleasure to meet and perform with many extremely talented individuals. There…

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