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    Sister Dana Sez: If Repugnicans win control of the Senate this November, and the Tea Party increases its power in Congress, they will impeach President Obama.

    Sister Dana Sez: If Repugnicans win control of the Senate this November, and the Tea Party increases its power in Congress, they will impeach President Obama.

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “If Repugnicans win control of the Senate this November, and the Tea Party increases its power in Congress, they will impeach President…

    Summer Festival Time!

    Summer Festival Time!

    Here is a sampling of just some of the many LGBT summer events and festivals happening over the next couple of months. Friday, July 18 Rock Wall Wine Pride Prom…

    Ann Rostow: Utah King To Me

    By Ann Rostow Utah King To Me! My last column ended with a bang. No sooner had I filed the tedious accounting of GLBT civil rights news dribs and drabs…

    Project Open Hand Expands Services, Launches Food = Medicine Pilot Study

    By Kevin Winge For nearly 30 years, Project Open Hand has been here for our community. In the earliest days of the AIDS epidemic, founder Ruth Brinker prepared healthy dinners…

    News from the GLBT Historical Society & The GLBT History Museum

    News from the GLBT Historical Society & The GLBT History Museum

    1964: The Year San Francisco Came Out: Fifty years ago, an infamous LIFE magazine article catapulted San Francisco into national consciousness as the “gay capital” of America. Titled “Homosexuality In…

    In Memoriam

    In Memoriam

    Anthony Turney December 23, 1937 – July 4, 2014 The Venerable Anthony Turney, Archdeacon for the Arts at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral, died peacefully at Coming Home Hospice following a…

    Ensuring Protection and Inclusion for LGBT Seniors

    Ensuring Protection and Inclusion for LGBT Seniors

    In the previous Aging in Community column, Daniel Redman discussed key legal documents all LGBT seniors should have, but that are particularly important for people living with dementia. This week,…

    Some Economy Cars Are Still in the Closet, Others Are Out and Proud

    Some Economy Cars Are Still in the Closet,  Others Are Out and Proud

    Now that we’ve all recovered from Pride, we can appreciate how our yearly extravaganza benefits us in the coming-out process. The three economy cars I’ve tested recently struck me as…

    If You’re in the Homestretch Before Retirement, It’s Time to ‘Floor It’

    If You’re in the Homestretch  Before Retirement, It’s Time to ‘Floor It’

    As people enter their 50s and early 60s, earnings from work or other income sources often begin to reach a peak. In many instances, this also happens at the same…

    Reflections on Pride 2014: Kudos to Ridgely, Praise for Ammiano and Thanks to Stewart

    Reflections on Pride 2014:  Kudos to Ridgely, Praise for Ammiano and Thanks to Stewart

    In the blink of an eye, the Queer Pride Holigayz of 2014 were over and done. But what fun we had! Special kudos are due to George Ridgely, the new…

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