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    Sister Dana sez, “We have an effed-up election system in America. Why do we need primaries and cawkasses?”

    Sister Dana sez, “We have an effed-up election system in America. Why do we need primaries and cawkasses?”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “We have an effed-up election system in America. Why do we need primaries and cawkasses? Flip a coin? Draw a card?? Whaaat??!…

    Academy of Friends; A Gala of Glamour and Giving

    Academy of Friends; A Gala of Glamour and Giving

    Local parties centered on national events tend to pale in comparison to the bigger occasion. A very rare exception is the Academy of Friends’ Academy Awards Night Charity Gala, which…

    Profile of Andrea Shorter

    Profile of Andrea Shorter

    Planning to Run for Office? If You’re a Woman, Take Note

    Planning to Run for Office? If You’re a Woman, Take Note

    Recent events in the Democratic Primaries bring to light, again, the issues faced by female candidates. There is not enough room in this column to go through the kind of…

    All Gender Restroom Access

    All Gender Restroom Access

    Restrooms are a necessity of life.  Everyone should be able to use public restrooms in peace in order to participate in public life on equal terms. This makes public restroom…

    Justice for Gavin Grimm

    Gavin Grimm, a 16-year-old high school junior from Gloucester, Virginia, simply wants to be able to use his school’s restrooms as all his classmates can. But like LGBT couples who…

    Finding My Story in the Obituaries

    Finding My Story in the Obituaries

    Most people smile when I mention that I officiate weddings, but seem a tad surprised when I mention that I also lead funerals. Obituaries, death notices, life tributes: whatever you…

    The Fabulous Baker Street Boys

    The Fabulous Baker Street Boys

    In late February 1918, the people of San Francisco learned, for the first time, that their city was home to a community of men who desired other men in all…

    Competition Is Good

    Competition Is Good

    As a political scientist, elections have always been fascinating to me. I grew up with politics at the dinner table and my family took me to rallies to protest nuclear…

    Before They Destroyed Flint’s Drinking Water, They Destroyed Flint’s Democracy

    Before They Destroyed Flint’s Drinking Water,  They Destroyed Flint’s Democracy

    In recent weeks there has been increased public attention on the horrific abuse that has been committed against the people of Flint, Michigan, who have had their water poisoned by…