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    Home » 2016 » July (Page 4)

    Love Embodied: Kryptonite to Hate

    Love Embodied: Kryptonite to Hate

    At this year’s San Francisco Pride Parade, we had the privilege of marching with a special contingent memorializing all those killed at Pulse nightclub in the early hours of June…

    Charlotte Cushman and Her “Marmorean Flock”

    Charlotte Cushman and Her “Marmorean Flock”

    Before Sarah Bernhardt, there was Charlotte Cushman. Before Nazimova and Duse, before Fontanne and Cornell and le Gallienne, there was Cushman. Only Cushman. Critics and audiences said she was the…

    Talking About Death Won’t Kill You

    Talking About Death Won’t Kill You

    Death is in the Zeitgeist. Everyone is talking about death, or not talking about it, as the case may be. Or, to be yet more precise: many are talking about…

    The Most Important Election of My Lifetime

    The Most Important Election of My Lifetime

    I am torn between absolute elation and abject terror. Our democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, would not only be the first woman president and an extraordinarily qualified person, but we would…

    Because My Attackers Did Not Have Assault Weapons

    Because My Attackers Did Not Have Assault Weapons

    Our nation has been hit with horrific homophobic violence in what is part of a continuing pattern of mass shootings. I find myself thinking how lucky I am to be…

    New Gun Laws Provide Fitting Tribute to Orlando Victims

    New Gun Laws Provide Fitting Tribute to Orlando Victims

    Orlando has the unfortunate distinction of being the deadliest mass shooting in United States history, with 49 fatalities and 53 injuries. The fact that it happened at an LGBT nightclub…

    Pride Brunch and Grand Marshalls

    Pride Brunch and Grand Marshalls

    Pride Parade

    Pride Parade

    Bay Time Contingent

    Bay Time Contingent

    Sister Dana sez, “Now that Pride is over, are we supposed to feel shame? Just kidding! Pride is every day!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Now that Pride is over, are we supposed to feel shame? Just kidding! Pride is every day!”

      By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “Now that Pride is over, are we supposed to feel shame? Just kidding! Pride is every day!” Sister Dana thoroughly enjoyed being the rainbow nun in the San…

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