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    Bad Attitudes

    Bad Attitudes

    One of the great secrets of life, and a central insight of cognitive therapy, was summed up in a simple way two thousand years ago by the Stoic philosopher, Epictetus:…

    The Harald Wagner Collection of Teotihuacan Murals at the de Young

    The Harald Wagner Collection of Teotihuacan Murals at the de Young

    The Harald Wagner collection of Teotihuacan murals is the largest and most important outside of Mexico. The murals are remarkable for their quality, condition and iconographic breadth. Secretly removed from…

    After a Death, a Whole New Life

    After a Death, a Whole New Life

    I met Chuck Agler nearly 4 years ago when I was a hospice chaplain and his partner John Capin was dying of cancer. Chuck and John were devoted partners and…

    Going Green Without Advertising It

    Going Green Without Advertising It

    Buying a hybrid once meant making a distinct statement about being green. Driving a Toyota Prius or Honda Insight demonstrated its owner’s commitment to saving gas and the environment. But…

    4 Ways a Budget Can Pay Off

    4 Ways a Budget Can Pay Off

    What comes to mind when you think of creating a budget? For many people, even the thought of putting one together is unappealing. However, there’s another more positive way to…

    On the Precipice of Equality During the 96th Anniversary of Voting Rights for Women

    On the Precipice of Equality During the 96th Anniversary of Voting Rights for Women

    By Debra Walker I am excited about the possibility that we will have a woman president come January, but I am even more excited that she is Hillary Rodham Clinton.…

    What It’s Like to Attend the DNC: Raw Emotions, Exhilaration and Unforgettable Moments

    What It’s Like to Attend the DNC:  Raw Emotions, Exhilaration and Unforgettable Moments

    In my last column, I wrote about my plans to travel to Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention as a Hillary Clinton delegate. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I don’t…

    ‘Gay Olympics’ or Gay Olympics?

    ‘Gay Olympics’ or Gay Olympics?

    With 17 statewide measures, 24 local measures and a BART bond all coming before the voters in November, wading through the ballot, not to mention the voter handbook, promises to…

    City College on the Ballot

    City College on the Ballot

    With 17 statewide measures, 24 local measures and a BART bond all coming before the voters in November, wading through the ballot, not to mention the voter handbook, promises to…

    The Dignity Fund: Help Make San Francisco the Best It Can Be

    The Dignity Fund:  Help Make San Francisco the Best It Can Be

    The Dignity Fund proposal to provide a sustained increase in dedicated funding for San Francisco’s seniors and adults living with disability has received the support of both the Mayor and…