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    Easy as 1-2-3

    Easy as 1-2-3

    Inside Out Fitness is a whole new way of looking at fitness. You determine what’s best for you and your body and then you actually do that with ease and…

    Sister Dana sez, “June 19th is Father’s Day, so I want to be the first to wish all you fathers a very happy day! “

    Sister Dana sez, “June 19th is Father’s Day, so I want to be the first to wish all you fathers a very happy day! “

    Sister Dana sez, “June 19th is Father’s Day, so I want to be the first to wish all you fathers a very happy day! And that includes you leather daddies!”…



    Sing along: “I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.” I sang along to that catchy tune in 1972, but little did I know the lyrics were…

    Wild West: Plains to the Pacific

    Wild West: Plains to the Pacific

    Mined from the wide-ranging collections of the Fine Arts Museums, Wild West explores artistic responses to the natural and cultivated landscapes of the western United States from the frontier era…

    Choosing Optimism

    Choosing Optimism

    It probably won’t surprise anyone that an optimistic outlook is good for your physical and emotional well-being. Optimists react to problems with a sense of confidence in their ability to respond…

    Pride and Presidents

    Pride and Presidents

    “Building a Society of Rights means there is no room for first- and second-class citizens. It means choosing inclusion over discrimination. It means creating unity from diversity.” These words sound…



    In addition to being Pride month, June is also the most popular month for weddings. The recent wedding of two friends got me thinking about what advice I might offer…

    The Black Sheep in the Blue Book

    The Black Sheep in the Blue Book

    Create a mental image of San Francisco during the socially and sexually conformist 1950s. A middle aged man is taken into custody, charged with wearing a “woman’s hairdo” and “flamboyant…

    Reading the Tee Leaves

    Reading the Tee Leaves

    The Tuesday after Memorial Day, I dragged a roller bag through the flood of humanity at Washington National Airport. Leaping past strollers, dodging glassy-eyed travelers as they picked through sandwiches…

    All the Marbles

    All the Marbles

    By the time this column comes out, we will have the all of the party nominees in place for November. As was recently stated at an LGBT fundraiser for Hillary…