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    Call for State Legislators to Repeal Costa-Hawkins

    Call for State Legislators to Repeal  Costa-Hawkins

    Recently I introduced a resolution urging the State of California to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act. Oakland and the Bay Area are suffering from a rising housing crisis in…

    Marching Toward Equality with Pride

    Marching Toward Equality with Pride

    This month marks the Third Anniversary of the United States Supreme Court decision to overturn Proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act. It is also the 47th Anniversary…

    We Can Do This

    We Can Do This

    The Dignity Fund legislation is on the move and needs your help. The Dignity Fund would establish a set-aside from 2% of property taxes to meet the needs of San…

    Coming Out

    Coming Out

    Coming out is a very personal process. Some, like my husband, did it during high school. Some wait until college or later, while others might choose to stay in the…

    Speaking to Your Soul

    Speaking to Your Soul

      By Elisa Quinzi This precursor to summer is meant to feel light and romantic. We can all use some youthful innocence and joy in our lives right now.  …

    LGBTQ Chronicled: 1933–2016

    LGBTQ Chronicled: 1933–2016

    An extensive new photo exhibit celebrating our community and with a focus on Gay Pride opens June 18 at the Harvey Milk Photo Center. The exhibit, which launches with a…

    Served Up Fresh: Fresh Meat Festival of Transgender & Queer Performance Celebrates 15th Anniversary

    Served Up Fresh:  Fresh Meat Festival of Transgender & Queer Performance Celebrates 15th Anniversary

    Bay Area audiences look forward to it all year long. We plan outfits around it, line up dates for it, and buy our tickets early (because it always sells out).…

    Looking Back on a History-Making School Year, and Looking Forward to the Fall Semester

    Looking Back on a History-Making School Year, and Looking Forward to the Fall Semester

    (Editor’s Note: Teacher Lyndsey Schlax of the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts recently taught the nation’s first on-site high school LGBT course, according to district officials. She…

    Leave Your Troubles Outside, Life Is Beautiful at the Cabaret

    Leave Your Troubles Outside, Life Is Beautiful at the Cabaret

    Direct from Broadway, the acclaimed masterpiece Cabaret returns to San Francisco for performances June 21–July 17 at SHN Golden Gate Theatre. It is part of the 50th Anniversary Season of…

    Changing the World Through the Power of Queer Cinema

    As a media arts non-profit, Frameline’s programs connect filmmakers and audiences in the Bay Area and around the world. The festival’s integrated programs provide critical funding for emerging LGBTQ filmmakers;…