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    Speaking to Your Soul

    Speaking to Your Soul

    Happy astrological New Year, everyone! We start spring with a bang, the hero’s journey being one of daring forth on an even more authentic path now. As we are willing…

    I Said That?

    I Said That?

    Inside Out Fitness is an intuitive, internally directed approach to exercise. Previously, we looked at the benefits of being internally directed about fitness. The best benefit is that you end…

    In the News—April 7, 2016

    In the News—April 7, 2016

    Compiled by Dennis McMillan Legislation Declaring State of Emergency on Homelessness Passes Supervisor David Campos’ legislation declaring a state of emergency on homelessness passed with a veto proof majority of…

    Grappling: Ground Zero Defense

    Grappling: Ground Zero Defense

    You’ve just said goodbye to your friends after a fantastic night out. You don’t have a care in the world and nothing can get you down. It’s the best feeling…

    Sister Dana sez, “April 22nd is Earth Day. Be sure to hug your Mother (Earth).”

    Sister Dana sez, “April 22nd is Earth Day. Be sure to hug your Mother (Earth).”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity Sister Dana sez, “April 22nd is Earth Day. Be sure to hug your Mother (Earth).” THE SISTERS OF PERPETUAL INDULGENCE held our 37th Anniversary party…

    My Big Night Is a Party Worth Attending

    My Big Night Is a Party Worth Attending

    The new comedy My Big Night, directed by Spanish enfant terrible Álex de la Iglesia, has all the manic energy of a Pedro Almodóvar farce. This bubbly, champagne-infused piffle, which…

    Tales of Our City: Our Lives, Our Heroes Takes SFGMC and the Bay Area Rainbow Symphony to a Whole New Level of Excellence

    Tales of Our City: Our Lives, Our Heroes Takes SFGMC and the Bay Area Rainbow Symphony to a Whole New Level of Excellence

    Sometimes, we get caught “telling tales out of school.” For you youngsters, that means to gossip or throw shade. Well, there will be none of that “out of school” business…

    Ann Rostow: Tobacco Roadtrip

    Ann Rostow: Tobacco Roadtrip

    By Ann Rostow Tobacco Roadtrip As our last issue went to press, the big question was whether or not Georgia Governor Nathan Deal would sign a law that could open…

    Overcoming Chronic Resentment

    Overcoming Chronic Resentment

    Q: I’ve been with my husband for almost fifteen years. We don’t have any major problems like physical abuse, or cheating, or drugs. I really love him and I know…

    The Gilda Stories 25th Anniversary

    The Gilda Stories 25th Anniversary

    City Lights Bookstore, Wednesday, April 13th, 7pm Release Party and Celebration for The Gilda Stories: Expanded 25th Anniversary Edition. Co-sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Times. Friday, April 22nd,…