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    Education Is a Journey and Not a Destination

    By Lyndsey Schlax (Editor’s Note: Teacher Lyndsey Schlax of the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts recently taught the nation’s first on-site high school LGBT course, according to…

    Curated: Oscar de la Renta – The Retrospective

    Curated: Oscar de la Renta – The Retrospective

    The world premiere retrospective of designer Oscar de la Renta’s work opens on March 12 at the de Young Museum’s Herbst Exhibition Galleries. The exhibit will celebrate the life and…

    Take Me Home With You

    Take Me Home With You

    “Summer is right around the corner, and you know what that means…time for the clothes to come off! Let me help you get your beautiful self ready. My name is…

    Me Him Her Addresses Sexual Identify Politics, But Misses Opportunities

    Me Him Her Addresses Sexual Identify Politics, But Misses Opportunities

    Now available on VOD, Me Him Her, written and directed by Max Landis, aims to do something different, if not radical, with sexual identity politics. In this broad comedy, Brendan…

    The Unofficial Gayest Sport: Volleyball

    The Unofficial Gayest Sport: Volleyball

    “When I play volleyball, I am at my gayest! I can truly be myself.” I have heard this and similar statements from so many volleyball aficionados, such as avid player…

    A Fresh Approach

    A Fresh Approach

    (Editor’s Note: We are excited to welcome Medical Exercise Specialist and Life Coach Cinder Ernst to the San Francisco Bay Times team. A few of us have trained with her…

    Good Will on Leap Day a Rare Thing

    Good Will on Leap Day a Rare Thing

    A rare thing happened at the State Capitol on February 29. The State Legislature passed a tax with bipartisan support. Such an event is less routine than Leap Day itself,…

    Who Will They Come for If We Let Them?

    Who Will They Come for  If We Let Them?

    At different times and places in human history, leaders have sometimes arisen by encouraging fear and hatred towards various groups. While these tactics have been used against African Americans, immigrants,…

    Sister Dana sez, “This season’s Repugnican politicians have used nothing but childish name-calling, ugly rhetoric, and discourse reaching an all-time low.”

    Sister Dana sez, “This season’s Repugnican politicians have used nothing but childish name-calling, ugly rhetoric, and discourse reaching an all-time low.”

    Sister Dana sez, “This season’s Repugnican politicians have used nothing but childish name-calling, ugly rhetoric, and discourse reaching an all-time low. As MSNBC news so aptly put it: exercising ‘puerility,…

    In Honor of Andy

    In Honor of Andy

    I am honored to be the coordinator for the Wine Train’s 6th annual LGBT event and the first Napa Valley Wine Train Pride Ride, which will benefit the Richmond/Ermet Aid…