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    Ann Rostow: Real News

    Ann Rostow: Real News

    By Ann Rostow– Real News– I like to think that I’m not one of those people who surrounds themselves with just the news they want to hear, and only those…

    Prioritizing Funding for Homeless Services

    Prioritizing Funding for Homeless Services

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– Homelessness has reached crisis levels in our state. The latest federal numbers show California’s homeless population has surged to 134,278. Closer to home, San Francisco’s count…

    Calling on the Warriors to Pay Their Debt

    Calling on the Warriors to Pay Their Debt

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– As Oakland’s city-wide elected Councilmember, I seek to serve and protect the needs of all the people of Oakland. This includes the importance of…

    The Power of Being Extraordinarily Ordinary

    The Power of Being Extraordinarily Ordinary

    By John Lewis– On my first day of law school 35 years ago, each member of my small group section of twenty students was asked as part of an ice-breaker…

    The Problem of Physical Inactivity

    The Problem of Physical Inactivity

    By Kaci Fairchild, PhD, ABPP– Physical inactivity is a global public health crisis that accounts for nearly 3.2 million deaths annually, or 49,837 deaths each day. To put that in…



    By Lyndsey Schlax– (Editor’s Note: Teacher Lyndsey Schlax of the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts launched the nation’s first on-site high school LGBT course in 2015. She…

    Exercises Not to Do

    Exercises Not to Do

    By Cinder Ernst– I was answering an inquiry about what exercises trainers never do and realized that most trainers no longer have their clients do abdominal crunches. I decided quite…

    Thoughts on Turning Seventy

    Thoughts on Turning Seventy

    By Tom Moon, MFT– My husband and I marked my 70th birthday in February with ten days of non-stop partying in New Orleans. I mention this because I know all…

    Gen Z Is Taking Down Barriers to Gun Control

    Gen Z Is Taking Down Barriers to Gun Control

    By Andrea Shorter– As much as I love my home here in San Francisco, at heart I will always be a Hoosier from Indiana. As a Hoosier, I love that…

    A Gay Victorian Love Story

    A Gay Victorian Love Story

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– It was love at first sight for the two young men, students at Harvard just before the Civil War. Tom, “a lovely boy,” was strikingly beautiful—his…

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