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    Home » 2019 (Page 31)

    Talking ‘Bout a Revolution…

    Talking ‘Bout a Revolution…

    By Kate Kendell, Esq. (Editor’s Note: For this Pride 2019 edition of the San Francisco Bay Times, we are honored to introduce Kate Kendell, Esq., as a new columnist. A…

    Mayor London Breed’s First Year in Office Highlights LGBTQ Issues

    Mayor London Breed’s First Year in Office Highlights LGBTQ Issues

     What a difference a year can make. It was just last June 5 when a special election was held for mayor of San Francisco, following former Mayor Ed Lee’s passing…

    LGBTQ Flag Raising, St. James Infirmary 20th Anniversary, and More!

    LGBTQ Flag Raising, St. James Infirmary 20th Anniversary, and More!


    In the News: 6.13.19

    California Poised to Be First State to Provide Healthcare to Undocumented Immigrants California Democrats in the state legislature, during the afternoon of Sunday, June 9, agreed on a proposed budget…

    Ann Rostow: Thanks for Next to Nothing

    Ann Rostow: Thanks for Next to Nothing

    By Ann Rostow– Thanks for Next to Nothing It appears that I made a mistake in my last column, reporting that Trump “declines to issue Pride proclamations.” Apparently, my top-of-the-head…

    State Democratic Convention: 14 Presidential Candidates, 3400+ Delegates, 2 Pulled Muscles

    State Democratic Convention: 14 Presidential Candidates, 3400+ Delegates, 2 Pulled Muscles

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– From May 31–June 2, the Moscone Center hosted the California Democratic Party (CADEM) Convention that served as a preview of the upcoming 2020 presidential campaign. Fourteen…

    Commemorating the 1969 Stonewall Uprisings Today and 50 Years from Now

    Commemorating the 1969 Stonewall Uprisings Today and 50 Years from Now

    By Andrea Shorter– 1968. Much has been written, film documented, recalled and revisited about the series of epic events of 1968. Among the most obvious and notable are the assassinations…

    A First for Pride Month

    A First for Pride Month

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting– I’ve never been prouder to hail from California. Our state has the largest LGBT population in the country and is home to more than 40 local…

    Supporting a Budget That Supports Our Communities

    Supporting a Budget That Supports Our Communities

    By Rebecca Kaplan, Oakland City Councilmember At-Large– Writing a budget is about the numbers, and it is also about our values. After the release of Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s budget proposal,…

    Hardworking Advocate for LGBTQ Businesses to Be Honored

    Hardworking Advocate for LGBTQ Businesses to Be Honored

    With his time, passion and genuine concern for others, Paul Pendergast has for decades worked to benefit the Bay Area’s LGBTQ business community. When he is present on stage, it…