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    Sister Dana sez, “Props go to GOP Congressman Justin Amash for breaking from the Trump-loving Repugnicans and stating: ‘Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.'”

    Sister Dana sez, “Props go to GOP Congressman Justin Amash for breaking from the Trump-loving Repugnicans and stating: ‘Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.'”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Props go to GOP Congressman Justin Amash for breaking from the Trump-loving Repugnicans and stating: ‘Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.’ Hopefully this attitude…

    Rolling on the River in the ‘New’ New Orleans

    Rolling on the River in the ‘New’ New Orleans

    By David Landis– When a dear friend and his wife said that they wanted to celebrate a milestone birthday in New Orleans and asked us to join them, it took…

    Donna’s Chronicles

    Donna’s Chronicles

    By Donna Sachet– The Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band under the direction of Pete Nowlen presented Spotlight on Broadway May 18 at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. For those not in the…

    Romance for Pride: Feature Film Call Me By Your Name with SF Symphony

    Romance for Pride: Feature Film Call Me By Your Name with SF Symphony

    Our vote for one of Pride’s most romantic events this year goes to Call Me By Your Name – Feature Film with the San Francisco Symphony. The event on June…

    Focus for Less Knee Pain

    Focus for Less Knee Pain

    By Cinder Ernst– In the last three years I’ve had a lot of leg drama including cancer in my thigh and groin, a hip replacement and a complicated knee. I’ve…

    My 18 Best Travel Tips After Three Decades of Traveling the World

    My 18 Best Travel Tips After Three Decades of Traveling the World

    By Jill Cruse– Let me start out by saying that I have never been one of those who could just pack a carry-on to travel for two weeks. My hat…

    Come with Us to San Francisco Giants’ LGBT Night!

    Come with Us to San Francisco Giants’ LGBT Night!

    The San Francisco Bay Times and “Betty’s List” are very proud to once again be partnering with the San Francisco Giants for their annual LGBT Night. This year’s event will…

    AIDS Life/Cycle Is a Transformative Experience

    AIDS Life/Cycle Is a Transformative Experience

    By Tom Moon, MFT– Among participants in the AIDS/LifeCycle (ALC), there is a longstanding tradition in which riders read personal testaments—”Why I Ride”—to one another. Here is one, representative of…

    Cinco de Mayo, Round About Town and More!

    Cinco de Mayo, Round About Town and More!


    Ann Rostow: Notes from Underground

    Ann Rostow: Notes from Underground

    By Ann Rostow– Notes from Underground I have a habit of putting vague column ideas into the “notes” area on my iPhone. I’m not talking about GLBT stories per se,…