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    The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

    By Members of the Poor People’s Campaign Bay Area– The number of unhoused people dying on the street in San Francisco is triple the number that died last year at…

    White Folks – Get Onboard or Get Out of the Way

    White Folks – Get Onboard or Get Out of the Way

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– I was horrified by the recent deaths (murders) of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and those that came before them. I cannot imagine the anguish…

    Sister Dana sez, “Happy Father’s Day, Sunday, June 21, to all you fathers out there!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Happy Father’s Day, Sunday, June 21, to all you fathers out there!”

    Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “Happy Father’s Day, Sunday, June 21, to all you fathers out there! And that includes drag king…

    FRESH MEAT FESTIVAL of Transgender & Queer Performance Goes Online!

    FRESH MEAT FESTIVAL of Transgender & Queer Performance Goes Online!

    Fans of transgender and queer live performance rejoice: the wildly-popular annual FRESH MEAT FESTIVAL is moving online this year—and all tickets are completely FREE! “This year’s Festival is an act…

    Leticia and Juan of SF Bay Times Celebrate Pride 2020

    Leticia and Juan of SF Bay Times Celebrate Pride 2020

    Leticia Lopezz and Juan Davila of the San Francisco Bay Times recently went to the Embarcadero to spread some Pride joy during SF Pride’s 50th Anniversary year.…

    10 Ways to Celebrate Pride 2020

    10 Ways to Celebrate Pride   2020

    San Francisco Bay Times columnist and legendary entertainer Donna Sachet shares 10 ways to celebrate Pride 2020.…

    Aguilas Visit Lake Tahoe and Round About Town

    Aguilas Visit Lake Tahoe and Round About Town

    With San Francisco’s COVID-19 regulations still in effect, AGUILAS members Angel, Hugo, Miguel, and Juan were ready for an opportunity to get out of town for some fresh air and…

    We Love You, Aimee Stephens!

    We Love You, Aimee Stephens!

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney– “Aimee, Aimee, Aimee! We love you! We love you! We love you!” That’s what Aimee Stephens, plaintiff in the historic transgender rights case currently…

    Contenders & Contentions: Biden’s Veep Nominee

    Contenders & Contentions: Biden’s Veep Nominee

    By Andrea Shorter– Is it possible to focus on anything else in political theater besides the debacle that plays out daily regarding the Trump administration’s failing response to the coronavirus…

    ‘…And All That Pride’

    ‘…And All That Pride’

    By Brett Andrews– Some things don’t have to change. We are who we are. Thank god. While this pandemic will prevent us from marching down Market Street in colorful mass…