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    Looking Ahead to the 2020 Presidential Election

    Looking Ahead to the 2020 Presidential Election

    By Louise “Lou” Fischer– It’s finally here, the 2020 Election Cycle, when hopefully the great nightmare of the Trump presidency will come to a crashing halt on November 3. If only…

    Two Trillion Reasons to Vote in the Democratic Primary

    Two Trillion Reasons to Vote in the Democratic Primary

    By Peter Gallotta– Donald Trump’s direct order to kill General Qassem Soleimani, a commander of Iran’s military forces in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, has left many of us grappling with…

    Women’s March San Francisco – 2020 Rally & March

    Women’s March San Francisco – 2020 Rally & March

    “Together We Rise!” is the theme of this year’s Women’s March & Rally in San Francisco on January 18. The Rally will begin at 11 am at San Francisco Civic…

    Traps That Can Sabotage New Year’s Resolutions

    Traps That Can Sabotage New Year’s Resolutions

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– It’s that time again. The season where some of us optimistically set our goals for the year and others eschew the whole process because they never…

    Making Space with Minivans

    Making Space with Minivans

    By Philip Ruth– “No, I can’t. I just can’t do it,” said a client whom I was helping to find a new ride for his family. I started him on…

    Locally Grown Kiwifruit Brightens Winter Meals

    Locally Grown Kiwifruit Brightens Winter Meals

    By Debra Morris– It’s fuzzy, round, bright green inside, speckled with tiny black seeds, and it’s delicious! This vine-growing furry ball of fruit is only available at your farmers’ market…

    Supervisor Mandelman Is Working to Reopen Flore in ‘Successful and Sustainable Way’

    While many of us were preoccupied over the past several weeks with work and the recent winter holidays, Flore quietly closed its doors as a café with a sign outside…

    Donna’s Chronicles: “If you are reading this, that means you too survived another holiday season, packed with obligations, but hopefully full of time spent with loved ones.”

    Donna’s Chronicles: “If you are reading this, that means you too survived another holiday season, packed with obligations, but hopefully full of time spent with loved ones.”

    By Donna Sachet– If you are reading this, that means you too survived another holiday season, packed with obligations, but hopefully full of time spent with loved ones. We wrapped…

    Dorothy Thompson: Forty Years of Truth

    Dorothy Thompson: Forty Years of Truth

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– Whether she was canvasing votes for women, fighting fascism, championing refugees, or promoting world peace, Dorothy Thompson (1893–1961) always had a cause. Firm in her convictions,…

    Ring in a Roaring 2020: Beyond ‘I Do’

    Ring in a Roaring 2020: Beyond ‘I Do’

    By Andrea Shorter– Here we are: 2020 A.D. Finally. As a kid from the 1970s, I honestly believed that we would be commuting and zooming through the air in jetpacks…