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    Bruce Is the Best!

    Bruce Is the Best!

    By Jan Wahl– He’s often called “a gay icon.” The internet lauds him as a six-time Emmy winner. His appearances on Hollywood Squares and writing for the Academy Award shows…

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    Astrology: Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi– To the degree that we acknowledge the validity of astrology, is the degree that we acknowledge the existence of a mysterious intelligent ordering of the universe. This…

    Love, Bravery, and Tragedy

    Love, Bravery, and Tragedy

    By Michele Karlsberg– Flower of Iowa, an historical novel by Lance Ringel, is a sprawling tale of battle, courage, the resilience of the human spirit, and the transformative power of love.…

    Gripping Documentary Chronicles LGBT Lives at Risk in Chechnya

    Gripping Documentary Chronicles LGBT Lives at Risk in Chechnya

    By Gary Kramer– Shortlisted in both the Best Documentary Feature Oscar as well as in the Visual Effects category, the urgent, cogent film, Welcome to Chechnya, is now available on…

    The Equality Act: ‘Equal Dignity in the Eyes of the Law’

    The Equality Act: ‘Equal Dignity in the Eyes of the Law’

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– Seventeen years ago this month—February 2004—San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom made history when he burst open the doors of City Hall for LGBTIQ couples…

    From Living a Double Life to Rediscovering Unconditional Family Love

    From Living a Double Life to Rediscovering Unconditional Family Love

    By Michael Tate– My late maternal grandmother, Mary McKay, was born on February 12, 1912. For as long as I can remember, we would gather at her home every year…

    Bay Area Hikes During the Pandemic to Experience Shinrin-yoku (Forest Bathing)

    Bay Area Hikes During the Pandemic to Experience Shinrin-yoku (Forest Bathing)

    By John Chen– How many of you have spent more of your time outdoors this past year? Raise your hand if you found yourself at one with nature, often to…

    The Gay Gourmet Visits The Vault Garden’s Inaugural Drag Brunch

    The Gay Gourmet Visits The Vault Garden’s Inaugural Drag Brunch

    David Landis, the Gay Gourmet for the San Francisco Bay Times, visited The Vault Garden’s Inaugural Drag Brunch on Sunday, February 7, 2021. Plans are already in the works for…

    Ann Rostow: Breeana Flannery Is a Genius, Seriously!

    Ann Rostow: Breeana Flannery Is a Genius, Seriously!

    By Ann Rostow– Breeana Flannery Is a Genius, Seriously! Let’s start with videos. Last time I implored you all to check out The West Wing-style credits featuring Joe Biden and…

    Pete Buttigieg and the ‘Damned Lesbian’

    Pete Buttigieg and the ‘Damned Lesbian’

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– When Pete Buttigieg won Senate confirmation last week becoming the first openly gay member of the Cabinet, our thoughts immediately turned to the first…

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