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    Frameline Reopens the Castro

    Frameline Reopens the Castro

    By Jennifer Kroot and Robert Holgate– We’re longtime fans and friends of San Francisco’s legendary Frameline Film Festival. The magical festival and its passionate audiences are particularly beloved by Jennifer,…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “When this forcibly idled drag queen…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “When this forcibly idled drag queen…”

    By Donna Sachet– When this forcibly idled drag queen finds herself on the job three times in one week, we can assure you that the long-awaited end of this interminable…

    Memories of Life, Love, and Activism at the Lyon-Martin House

    Memories of Life, Love, and Activism at the Lyon-Martin House

    When Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin as a couple purchased 651 Duncan Street in San Francisco in 1955, they both treasured the large front window that, on a clear day,…

    Original Rainbow Flag Fragment, Thought Lost, Now at the GLBT Historical Society Museum

    Original Rainbow Flag Fragment, Thought Lost, Now at the GLBT Historical Society Museum

    On June 4, The GLBT Historical Society Museum and Archives in San Francisco unveiled a historic artifact, thought to be lost forever. It is a fragment of one of the…