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    Ad Campaign Drives Access to Mental Health Resources for BIPOC Communities

    The Alliance of National Psychological Associations for Racial and Ethnic Equity—a coalition of ethnic and cultural mental health leaders—on July 14 launched #WellnessForAll, a large-scale national digital ad campaign to…

    San Francisco Will Soon Unveil a Memorial to the Victims in the Pulse Massacre

    San Francisco Will Soon Unveil a Memorial to the Victims in the Pulse Massacre

    By Eduardo Morales, PhD– In the coming weeks, San Francisco will unveil its memorial to the 49 victims murdered in a mass shooting on June 12, 2016, at Pulse, a…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Sheltering in place has limited the ability of us all to travel…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Sheltering in place has limited the ability of us all to travel…”

    By Donna Sachet– Sheltering in place has limited the ability of us all to travel, one of the most rewarding aspects of life. Visiting friends, exploring new places, returning to locations…

    Problems in Philanthropy

    Problems in Philanthropy

    By Derek Barnes– In mid-July, an article I read in The Washing Post, “A Racial Reckoning at Nonprofits” by Sydney Trent, confirmed a severe problem that few are aware of…

    John Maynard Keynes: ‘Dismal Science’ and ‘Gay Romance’

    John Maynard Keynes: ‘Dismal Science’ and ‘Gay Romance’

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– When the Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle described economics as “the dismal science,” he never meant an economist could not be a bit of a Jack the…

    Mime Women Resist and Persist

    Mime Women Resist and Persist

    By Robert Holgate and Jennifer Kroot– The San Francisco Mime Troupe is the city’s legendary, activist theater troupe. Founded in 1959, SFMT satirizes politics through a working-class voice, and is…

    Writer and Director François Ozon Talks About His New Gay Romance

    Writer and Director François Ozon Talks About His New Gay Romance

    By Gary M. Kramer– Out gay filmmaker François Ozon’s Summer of 85, available August 17 on DVD, is an absorbing and sensitive teenage romance that shifts into a crime drama.…

    Brilliant New Film Celebrates Billy Tipton Living His Authentic Self

    Brilliant New Film Celebrates Billy Tipton Living His Authentic Self

    By Jan Wahl– He was a fine jazz pianist and singer. He developed a reputable touring and recording career along with his group The Billy Tipton Trio. He retired early…

    Cocktails with Heather: Gin Negroni

    Cocktails with Heather: Gin Negroni

    By Heather Freyer– When it comes to aperitifs and classic cocktails like the Negroni, look no further than Bombay Sapphire Gin. The botanicals found in Bombay Sapphire Gin create a…

    August Is Farmers’ Market Month

    August Is Farmers’ Market Month

    By Debra Morris– The first week of this month, August 1–7, was Farmers’ Market Week, but we are taking the whole month to celebrate and thank the farmers and the…