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    Ann Rostow: All Hail Melania

    Ann Rostow: All Hail Melania

    By Ann Rostow– All Hail Melania I’m not sure how I missed the Log Cabin Republicans’ tribute to Melania Trump, who was given an award at some gay Republican gala…

    In the News 12.2.21

    By Joanie Juster– The holidays are here, and events and social gatherings are back in a big way. From tree lightings to the Santa Skivvies Run to concerts, plays, and…

    Don’t Forget Thanksgiving Amidst the December Holiday Frenzy

    Don’t Forget Thanksgiving Amidst the December Holiday Frenzy

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney– For many Americans, Thanksgiving is their favorite holiday. It precedes the frenzy of the consumerism, busyness, and attendant stress of the December holiday season,…

    GGBA Message from Leadership: Three Moments that Turned Me into an LGBTQ Ally

    By Pamela Schmitz– As a straight woman, I may not be the most obvious choice to become the newest member of the Golden Gate Business Association board. However, if you…

    GGBA Member Spotlight – Jorge Colunga of Self-Help Federal Credit Union

    GGBA Member Spotlight –  Jorge Colunga of Self-Help Federal Credit Union

    Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations that exist to serve their members. Like banks, credit unions accept deposits, make loans, and provide a wide array of other financial services, but as…

    California Revels Artistic Director Rene Collins: ‘Revels Is Always Seeking to Break the Fourth Wall and Draw the Audience In’

    California Revels Artistic Director Rene Collins: ‘Revels Is Always Seeking to Break the Fourth Wall and Draw the Audience In’

    Rene Collins, the Artistic Director of California Revels, has a long history with the organization, having originated The Fool character in the first CA Christmas Revels and performing in numerous…

    ‘Revels’ Captures Timeless Magic of the Reason for the Season

    ‘Revels’ Captures Timeless Magic of the Reason for the Season

    The winter solstice—the shortest day and longest night of the year—has long captivated humanity. Several Neolithic monuments from the Stone Age, such as Newgrange in Ireland, were built in alignment…

    How to Keep Taxes from Distorting Retirement Horizons

    How to Keep Taxes from Distorting Retirement Horizons

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– Every Waymo that passes makes me wonder when self-driving cars will become a reality. And what will they look like? If we won’t have accidents, will…

    Two Luxury SUVs With Unique Style

    Two Luxury SUVs With Unique Style

    By Philip Ruth– Blocky or sleek? Outdoorsy or urban-chic? SUVs have as many flavors as Baskin-Robbins, and so you can probably find one that suits your taste. The two we’ll…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Rarely are we so affected by an event…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “Rarely are we so affected by an event…”

    By Donna Sachet– Rarely are we so affected by an event that we are tempted to devote an entire column to that event, but out of respect for the holiday…