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    Sister Dana sez, “If you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolution…”

    Sister Dana sez, “If you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolution…”

    Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– By Sister Dana Van Iquity– Sister Dana sez, “If you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolution, feel free for a do-over with mine: ‘I resolve…

    Paint a Door Without Waiting for Each Side to Dry

    By Julie Peri– Happy New Year! We hope you had a great winter break, and are ready to start the new year off with more fun tool tips. Have you…

    Rink Remembers

    Photos by Rink San Francisco Bay Times photographer Rink has decades of personal experience and knowledge about local LGBT community members as well as revered allies. Since the publication of…

    Honoring Cody Clements and Others Who Have Worked to Keep the Castro Safe

    Photos by Rink An appreciation party was held on December 12 honoring SFPD’s Patrol Special Officer Cody Clements, who had previously announced that his last day in the position would…

    David Kato’s Legacy and the Ongoing Fight for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

    David Kato’s Legacy and the Ongoing Fight for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– Described by The Economist as “Uganda’s first openly gay man,” David Kato is considered to be the father of the Ugandan LGBT rights movement. In a…

    Dr. Grant Colfax on His Life, Work, and Applying Lessons Learned from HIV/AIDS to COVID-19

    Dr. Grant Colfax on His Life, Work, and Applying Lessons Learned from HIV/AIDS to COVID-19

    As the Director of the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Dr. Grant Colfax makes decisions that directly impact over 7,000 individuals, including teams at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital…