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    Pacific Center: We’re Still Here, We’re Still Queer, and We’re Turning 50!

    By Sharon Knight– The Pacific Center for Human Growth, the oldest LGBTQIA+ center in the Bay Area, has been quietly operating the only sliding scale mental health clinic for LGBTQIA+…

    The Significance of LGBTQ+ Leadership in Today’s World

    The Significance of LGBTQ+ Leadership in Today’s World

    By Tony Archuleta-Perkins– The importance of LGBTQ+ leadership cannot be understated in today’s ever-evolving society. With increased awareness and acceptance of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, there has never…

    John Henry Pang, M.D., F.A.C.S., of Align Surgical Associates, Inc.

    John Henry Pang, M.D., F.A.C.S., of Align Surgical Associates, Inc.

    Do you know what the letters “F.A.C.S.” mean after a surgeon’s name? The letters stand for “Fellow of the American College of Surgeons” and indicate that the surgeon has passed…

    Market Volatility Isn’t Always Bad – Let’s Plan for It

    Market Volatility Isn’t Always Bad – Let’s Plan for It

    By Brandon Miller, CFP– Does it seem like, every time you think you have a handle on what the economy has in store, a new development throws a wrench right…

    Guide to Elder Care Planning

    By Jay Greene, Esq., CPA– In the April 20, 2023, issue of the San Francisco Bay Times, I provided a detailed primer on elder care planning. For this issue, I…

    Unstoppable: The March for LGBTIQ Equality in Japan

    Unstoppable: The March for LGBTIQ Equality in Japan

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney– Unstoppable. That’s the word that summed up our feelings about the Japanese LGBTIQ movement after participating with over 200,000 other people in the recent…

    In Remembrance: Mary Pat Sager (1944–2023)

    In Remembrance: Mary Pat Sager (1944–2023)

    By Susan Fahey– I am saddened to announce the death of Mary P. Sager, 78. She passed away after a short illness at her San Francisco home on April 22,…

    Understanding the Current Immigration Process

    Understanding the Current Immigration Process

    By Eduardo Morales, Ph.D.– The news media is broadcasting the dramatic influx of people migrating in unprecedented numbers across our southern border. Title 42, which was initiated in the previous…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “The British Coronation of King Charles III…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “The British Coronation of King Charles III…”

    By Donna Sachet– The British Coronation of King Charles III & Queen Camilla will stand as one of the most historic ceremonies in our lives.  No matter where your sympathies…

    Gale Wilhelm: Intimate Sadness and Joyous Love

    Gale Wilhelm: Intimate Sadness and Joyous Love

    By Dr. Bill Lipsky– In her groundbreaking A Complete, Cumulative Checklist of Lesbian, Variant and Homosexual Fiction (1960), the author Marion Zimmer Bradley wrote that We Too Are Drifting was…