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    2024 GAPA Anniversary Banquet & Gala

    Photos by Rink

    On Saturday, May 18, the GLBTQ+ Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Banquet 2024 was held at the Marines’ Memorial Club. The event has become an annual gala honoring individuals and organizations that have contributed to the growth and wellbeing of GAPA and the queer AAPI community.

    Enra Amaya, mistress of ceremonies, opened the program welcoming guests, honorees, and dignitaries.

    The organization’s Donald Masuda Vanguard Award recipient, Congressman Mark Takano, who was introduced by State Senator Scott Wiener, presented the keynote address. Takano is the first openly gay person of color elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.

    San Francisco Supervisor Ahsha Safai presented a proclamation for the evening, received by honoree Rowland Mendoza and GAPA Board Chair Justin Sha.

    Additional honorees included Vince Crisostomo, George Choy Award; César Cadabes, Lavender Godzilla (Godzy) Award; Doug Yaranon, Community Ally Award; and the Red Envelope Giving Circle, represented by noted leaders Crystal Jang, Trinity Ordona, and others.

    Live performances were provided by Mx GAPA Kiki Krunch, and Mx GAPA Lotus Party 2023, the GAPA Men’s Chorus,  and special guest Brian Palac.

    Published on May 23, 2024