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    Sister Dana sez, “August is TRANSGENDER HISTORY MONTH…”

    Sister Dana sez, “August is TRANSGENDER HISTORY MONTH…”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity, Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– Sister Dana sez, “August is TRANSGENDER HISTORY MONTH. So do your history homework and find out why trans…

    Soccer Ace Who Experienced Homophobia Mentors Youths and Strives for Equality in Sports

    Soccer Ace Who Experienced Homophobia Mentors Youths and Strives for Equality in Sports

    By John Chen– “I could no longer bear to be where I was, surrounded by motivated, high-achieving students of the rich and famous who didn’t need me, oppressed by religious…

    Paris 2024: World-Class Athletes, Fab LGBTQ+ Bars, and New Friends From Around the Globe

    Paris 2024: World-Class Athletes, Fab LGBTQ+ Bars, and New Friends From Around the Globe

    When San Francisco Bay Times friend and supporter Beth Schnitzer, the President of SpritzSF, told us she could represent the Bay Times at the Summer Olympics in Paris, we responded…

    SF Pride Band and CHEER SF Join Forces for Performance

    SF Pride Band and CHEER SF Join Forces for Performance

    The San Francisco Pride Band and CHEER SF joined forces on the night of July 26, 2024, for a performance of “Dance the Night.” The performance, highlighting the dance moves…

    Ann Rostow: Let’s Go, Brat!

    Ann Rostow: Let’s Go, Brat!

    By Ann Rostow– Let’s Go, Brat! I think all of us Democrats can agree that Biden’s decision was correct and courageous. It has transformed this election from a likely defeat…

    Kamala Harris Is the Perfect Choice to Make History … Again

    Kamala Harris Is the Perfect Choice to Make History … Again

    (Editor’s Note: San Francisco Police Commissioner Debra Walker, who formerly served on the Building Inspection Commission, is a past president of both the Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club and the…

    San Francisco Leadership Rally in Support of Kamala Harris

    San Francisco Leadership Rally in Support of Kamala Harris

    Leadership of the local San Francisco Democratic Party showed up in force on the morning of July 22, 2024, on the steps of City Hall to support Kamala Harris as…

    Who’s on First? What’s on Second?

    Who’s on First? What’s on Second?

    By Joanie Juster– You can’t make this up. Summer 2024 so far has featured some of the wildest political shenanigans I’ve ever seen—and I lived through Watergate. From the intense…

    Queer Munich and the 25th International AIDS Conference

    Queer Munich and the 25th International AIDS Conference

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– Greetings from Munich! We’re here to attend the 25th International AIDS Conference, which brings together an estimated 15,000 participants from all around the world…

    Financial Independence: How to Save and Pay Less to Uncle Sam

    Financial Independence: How to Save and Pay Less to Uncle Sam

    By Brandon Miller– It’s not that I have anything against Uncle Sam, I mean we just had a huge party for him on the 4th of July, but I want…