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    Firebrands Unite

    Firebrands Unite

    By Jewelle Gomez– There is a Swahili proverb that states: “One fire brand after another keeps fire burning.” I wish I’d known that bit of wisdom years earlier when a…

    Sister Dana sez, “Now that PRIDEMONTH is over…”

    Sister Dana sez, “Now that PRIDEMONTH is over…”

    By Sister Dana Sez, Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun– Sister Dana sez, “Now that PRIDEMONTH is over, should we be less proud to be LGBTQ? Absolutely NOT! Queer…

    Lit Snax: 7.11.24

    Hombrecito by Santiago Jose Sanchez Literary wunderkind Santiago Jose Sanchez penned his impatiently awaited first novel and it is getting rave reviews. It follows the complex dynamic between a son and his…

    Recommendations from Book Passage 7.11.24

    Swift River (fiction- hardcover) by Essie Chambers Set in 1987, Swift River concerns a Black mother and daughter living in poverty, a missing father, and the long-hidden racist history of…

    Take Me Home With You: 7.11.24

    Take Me Home With You: 7.11.24

    Meet Jar Jar, an adorable terrier mix with adachshund-likebody and an irresistibly sweet face. This lovable pup enjoys walks with ourvolunteer team and lounging in the yard afterward, soaking up…

    Let’s Go Home: 7.11.24

    Let’s Go Home: 7.11.24

    Here are two of the many pets now available for adoption at Oakland Animal Services (OAS): Misty and Finley are a pair of 3-month-oldfriendly kittens who love to play. Young…

    Ben Kwok of Fitness SF Mid Market

    Ben Kwok of Fitness SF Mid Market

    “To maximize muscle growth and strength in your lat pulldowns, focus on slowing down the eccentric phase(the lowering part) of the movement. Take a few seconds to control the weight…

    SF Bay Times Booth @ The Pride Festival

    SF Bay Times Booth @ The Pride Festival

    Photos by Rink Special thanks to SF Bay Times Booth volunteers, including volunteer manager JuanR. Davila, Marta Leticia Lopez, Jose Miguel Vazquez, Maria Vazquez, CarolinaLoyola, Juan Corrales, Stephen Minor, Ramón…

    Perbacco’s Umberto Gibin: What Makes a Great Maître’d?

    Perbacco’s Umberto Gibin: What Makes a Great Maître’d?

    By David Landis, The Gay Gourmet– Umberto Gibin is the long-time proprietor at one of the Financial District’s best Italian restaurants, Perbacco. We met years ago at the Grand Café…

    Heirloom Tomatoes

    Heirloom Tomatoes

    By Debra Morris– For those who appreciate a tomato’s simplest, most delicious form, thearrival of summer’s exquisite heirloom tomatoes is a yearly delight. They are being harvested now and you…