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    Celebrate Diversity and Community at the 50th Annual Castro Street Fair!

    Celebrate Diversity and Community at the 50th Annual Castro Street Fair!

    By The Board of Directors of the Castro Street Fair– Join us on Sunday, October 6, 2024, from 11 am to 6 pm at the intersection of Castro and Market Streets…

    San Francisco Street Fairs Form New Coalition

    Three of the largest and most iconic street fairs in San Francisco have formed a new coalition called the SF Street Fair Coalition to foster collaboration and mutual support between…

    Sexologist and Bisexual Activist Dr. Maggi Rubenstein (1930–2024)

    Sexologist and Bisexual Activist Dr. Maggi Rubenstein (1930–2024)

    By Dr. Carol Queen– Dr. Maggi Rubenstein, a longtime bisexual and sex-positive community activist and faculty member at the private graduate program The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality…

    Donna’s Chronicles, “August’s Divas & Drinks at The Academy…”

    Donna’s Chronicles, “August’s Divas & Drinks at The Academy…”

    By Donna Sachet– August’s Divas & Drinks at The Academy SF was a genuine love-fest, celebrating Leslie Sbrocco and her many contributions in the fields of wine, food, entertainment, and…

    Boats and Votes

    Boats and Votes

    By Jan Wahl– Like many of you, I love cruising. And unlike many of you, I do it on a boat! Okay, old joke. But there is nothing old about…

    Sean Dorsey Dance to Perform Special 20th Anniversary Home Season

    Sean Dorsey Dance to Perform Special 20th Anniversary Home Season

    Transgender trailblazer Sean Dorsey will celebrate two decades of his award-winning artistry September 19–21 at Z Space in San Francisco. Sean Dorsey Dance will perform a powerful retrospective program of…

    A Classy Doc on the Filmmaking Couple Merchant Ivory

    A Classy Doc on the Filmmaking Couple Merchant Ivory

    By Gary Kramer– The name Merchant Ivory is synonymous with classy period films, especially their E.M. Forster adaptations that achieved critical and/or commercial success: A Room With a View, Maurice,…

    Becoming Real

    Becoming Real

    By Jewelle Gomez– In the mid-1980s, the LGBT+ community was awakened to the horrors of a pandemic that most of the world wished to ignore. There was no Rachel Maddow…

    Top of Your Stack: 9.5.24

    Freedom Is a Feast (fiction – hardcover) by Alejandro Puyana As Stanislavo, a former revolutionary, faces his past mistakes, his encounter with María—a struggling mother in chaotic Caracas—offers a chance…

    Lit Snax: 9.5.24

    Eli Harpo’s Adventures in the Afterlife by Eric Schlich In this satirical romp, closeted teen Eli Harpo embarks on an evangelizing road trip, spreading the story of his own resurrection and…