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    20th Anniversary Trans March

    San Francisco Bay Times columnist Joanie Juster was among the many who participated in the 2023 Trans March, which marked the annual tradition’s 20th Anniversary. The March took place on Friday, June 23.

    As reported by Juster, who met with friends Sister Merry Peter and Carlos Medal: “The March began at 18th & Dolores with a powerful die-in, symbolizing the proliferation of anti-trans bills enacted in red states around the country that are doing serious harm to trans people everywhere. ‘Your Bills Are Killing Us,’ said their signs, as the orange jump-suited marchers wore the offending bills’ numbers on their backs.”

    She added, “The March was long, defiant, and joyful, with nothing but enthusiastic support along the way. I hope photos and videos from the March give encouragement and hope to trans and gender non-conforming people living in less-welcoming communities around the country.”

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    Published on July 13, 2023