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    2280 Market Street Identified as Site for Future Home of GLBT Historical Society Museum and Archives


    Mayor London Breed on September 27, 2024, announced that the City of San Francisco and the GLBT Historical Society have identified 2280 Market Street as the site for the future home of the GLBT Historical Society museum and archives. The city has confirmed plans of purchasing the 14,640-squarefoot lot at the site that once housed Tower Records and currently is the location of Barry’s Castro.

    Roberto Ordeñana, Executive Director of the GLBT Historical Society,
    said, in part, “It’s been a labor of love for so many people working
    together for decades.”

    In addition to Ordeñana and Mayor Breed, others who spoke at the
    event included Supervisor Rafael Mandelman and State Senator Scott
    Wiener. Also participating in the event were the Society’s partners at the
    Community Arts Stabilization Trust (CAST), the leadership of SF Pride,
    Honey Mahogany, and other community leaders. Members of the San
    Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus performed.

    The decision to purchase the building was described by the organizers as
    “the first step towards creating a permanent home for the first museum, and its archives of LGBT History and Culture in the United States.

    This new endeavor will celebrate our past, inform our present, and ensure that our stories and contributions help build a brighter future.”

    Efforts to make this happen have been in the works for years. In 2021, Mayor Breed’s administration committed $12.5 million for the building acquisition. Senator Wiener, in turn, secured another $5.5 million in funding from the state. Presently, the GLBT Historical Society Museum is at 4127 18th Street in San Francisco, while the archives are at 989 Market Street.

    More information about the plans for the recently announced site is at

    Published on October 3, 2024