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    Speaking to Your Soul

    By Elisa Quinzi–

    How many lessons have we each learned about the gifts that often come in the wake of loss? There is freedom to be gained as we unearth previously hidden truths about ourselves. There is joy on the other side of grief. There are wings to fly with out of the still-burning embers of the destruction of what keeps us trapped. Sitting in a pitch-dark room, our eyes will seek out the source of light. We have just entered a period of focusing more on depth and substance, and we will be richer for it. We are each called to rise from the flames like the phoenix.

    ARIES (March 21–April 19)

    You’re driven to go deeper with lovers. Your need for deep soulful intimacy becomes priority. Circumstances could shift, making way for these more soulfully-aligned partnerships.

    TAURUS (April 20–May 20)

    You are just entering a period where you’ll have opportunities to be transformed by relationships. You’ve been settling for too little. Clarify your vision of the kind of relationship you deeply desire and create more of that. It starts with you.

    GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

    Reprioritize how you spend your time on a daily basis. Believe in yourself more and devote time and effort toward your dreams and desires. Humble yourself to improve.

    CANCER (June 21–July 22)

    The life force, creativity, and sexual yearning are all connected as a driving principle called eros. Yours gets a boost now, also increasing your confidence. Express your deeper self to attract those with whom you have authentic chemistry.

    LEO (July 23–August 22)

    Delve into your deeper motives and explore which family patterns and myths you are ready to split from. Gather new “family” members based on who you have become today. Creating a home that fulfills you becomes more central.

    VIRGO (August 23–September 22)

    You’re encouraged to widen your curiosities and expand your body of knowledge. Say yes now to gathering direct experiences through which you will come to know yourself more deeply. Your thoughts create your reality more obviously now.

    LIBRA (September 23–October 22)

    The celestial spotlight is on your personal resources and sense of security in life. Make a list of your gifts and skills, and also a list of your values, and see where you can combine them. Get clear on your finances and you will magnetize opportunities for greater earning. Show up for yourself and the universe shows us for you.

    SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)

    While Scorpio is naturally wired for transformation and the detective work of discovering one’s deeper motives, these matters take priority starting now. There is great energy supporting your total rebirth now. Be willing to seek the truth, starting with yourself.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21)

    Always the truth seeker, your exploration takes you inward now. The most unknown parts of you need attention. Your focus will be more on spiritual matters and letting go of ties that are finished. It’s a time of space-clearing, largely of the internal variety.

    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19)

    Have more faith in the future. Expand your vision of what’s possible. Say yes to opportunities to contribute to the collective consciousness. Gather tribe members to fight the good fight with.  

    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)

    Possibilities open up for your career. It’s time to take up more space, to be bigger and to shine brighter. This isn’t about engaging in a battle of egos, but rather having more confidence in yourself and in what’s possible. You might want to realign your goals with the fresh, expanded awareness you will be gaining now.

    PISCES (February 19–March 20)

    You’ve grown too big for your comfort zone. The universe is ready to expand your world. Step away from the familiar storyline to take full advantage of what’s possible for you. Say yes to new experiences and explore more optimistic philosophies. The potential for manifestation increases considerably. 

    Elisa has been enjoying the art of astrological counseling since earning professional certification many years ago. In addition to astrological knowledge, she brings a high degree of conscious presence to her work, and creates a safe, comfortable atmosphere for sessions to unfold organically. Contact her at or 818-530-3366 or visit