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    GGBA Message from Leadership: Power Lunch 2021

    Michael Gunther

    By Michael Gunther–

    Once a year we have an opportunity to come together, as the Golden Gate Business Association Community, to celebrate business leaders and our corporate partners while also providing networking, sales, and marketing opportunities for our members.

    This year’s Power Lunch is especially important as we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic to show our resilience and strength as a community. Through our Virtual Power Lunch 2021, you will have the opportunity to be inspired by leaders who were driven to thrive in these difficult times, learn new ideas to assist you in rebuilding your business, and promote your business through an online exhibit hall. Plus, you can rekindle past business connections as well as create new business relationships to lay a strong foundation for growth this coming summer.

    I encourage you not only to attend the Power Lunch session but also to join the workshops and networking events sprinkled throughout the day. This is the time for us to show our leadership as a community, like we have done so many times in the past, to ensure that we all excel this year and beyond.

    I also challenge you to invite other business leaders you know to join the Power Lunch event to expand our sphere of influence, grow our membership, and highlight our mission.

    Strength does come from adversity and this year has been a year of adversity—so come celebrate with us as we showcase the strength and innovation our members have exhibited this past year as we prepare you for the future ahead.

    For more information:

    Michael Gunther is the President of GGBA. He is also the founder of Collaboration Business Consulting:

    Published on May 6, 2021