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    Sister Dana sez, “Every year I question why we make such a big deal over VALENTINE’S DAY…”

    Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun–

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity–

    Sister Dana sez, “Every year I question why we make such a big deal over VALENTINE’S DAY. A day named after Saint Valentine, a 15th century martyr, who on February 14th was beaten to a pulp with clubs; then stoned; finally beheaded; and unceremoniously buried. How romantic?! Oh, puhleeeze!”

    DIVAS & DRINKS is back at The Academy for 2022! Kick off your VALENTINE’S celebrations with legendary entertainer Donna Sachet, who will be your host for the evening on February 10, 6–10pm. DJ Rockaway presented by Olivia Travel will also be in the house. 2166 Market Street.

    Sister Dana sez, “It’s Special Election Season, so don’t forget to VOTE!”

    This year, as we celebrate BLACK HISTORY MONTH, we are reminded of the countless people who sacrificed their lives so we could move forward, no matter how slow progress has been. Mayor London Breed has put out a timely statement: “San Francisco has a long, rich history of Black leaders who fought for the rights that many of us take for granted today. Leaders like Mary Helen Rogers, who would lay down in front of bulldozers to prevent homes in the Fillmore/Western Addition from being torn down; like Julie Anderson, a member of the Board of Education who fought against the discrimination that Black and Asian students and educators were facing in the 1970s. We also remember public safety officers like Richard Finis, the first full-time Black police officer, and Bob Demmons, our city’s first Black Fire Chief. With this year’s theme of Black health and wellness, we are also reminded of Black doctors like Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett, who not only cared for our community, but was also a civil rights leader and a newspaper publisher, telling Black stories in our own voices.”

    Mayor Breed continued, “These leaders fought for a better future, often sacrificing their ambitions to ensure that their children and grandchildren could live in a better world than the one that they had inherited. They made these sacrifices knowing full well that their names would never be in the history books. We must speak their names and tell their stories, so they are not forgotten. We must celebrate our history, and how Black history is American history, as we continue to move forward with efforts like our DREAMKEEPER INITIATIVE, which is centered in long-term sustainability, reform, and lasting change for the Black community in San Francisco. That is how we remain committed to a vision for a more equitable and just city.”  

    Sister Dana sez, “Some schools can be so stupid! Twenty-two states have now introduced bills to limit race and sexuality lessons in schools! Ludicrous!”

    Scores of Catholic priests and officials are coming out as queer and are appealing to the Church to amend its stance on LGBTQ issues. So far, a group of 122 people—which includes current and former priests, teachers, administrators and volunteers—have identified themselves as gay or queer to pressure the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH in Germany to do away with its “outdated statements of church doctrine,” according to a report by a German newspaper, Deutsche Welles. The mass coming out coincides with the launch of the OutInChurch initiative, which created a petition celebrating the move and suggesting several ways the Catholic Church can update its policy around LGBTQ Catholics. “Our group is diverse. It includes people who in the past have courageously and often singlehandedly dared to come out in an ecclesiastical context,” the petition reads. Sister Dana sez, “More power to them! God Power!”

    THE EYES OF TAMMY FAYE is an intimate look from HBO at the extraordinary rise, fall and redemption of televangelist Tammy Faye Bakker. In the 1970s and ’80s, Tammy Faye and her husband, Jim Bakker, rose from humble beginnings to create the world’s largest religious broadcasting network and theme park, and were revered for their message of love, acceptance, and prosperity. Tammy Faye was legendary for her indelible eyelashes, her idiosyncratic singing, and her eagerness to embrace people from all walks of life. However, it wasn’t long before financial improprieties, scheming rivals, and scandal toppled their carefully constructed empire.

    Especially important to note is when Tammy Faye is shown opening her heart to real-life AIDS patient Steve Pieters on a live broadcast—at an era when all other televangelists were preaching that AIDS was God’s deserved punishment to gay men. To this day, Pieters proudly sings with the LOS ANGELES GAY MEN’S CHORUS. And the tag line to the movie states: “Tammy Faye renewed her work in the ministry, continuing to embrace the LGBTQ+ community and all people in need until her death in 2007.”   

    Sister Dana sez, “HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! May the Year of the Tiger bring prosperity, joy, and health to you and your loved ones!”

    Well, finally I have an excuse for my red wine inclination! Because drinking RED WINE could help fight the risk from Covid infection. A recent study published in FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION looked at the medical records of 473,957 people through the UK Biobank. The report studied the drinking habits and Covid history during the course of the pandemic. It discovered that people who consumed five or more glasses of red wine per week were up to 17 per cent less likely to be at risk from the virus, when compared to non-drinkers. Sister Dana sez, “Cheers, queers! And jeers, Covid fears! But get your boosters, ya hear?!”

    President Biden ran on an agenda that puts working people and families first—and takes on the greed of wealthy corporations. While the Biden administration has made important progress to provide jobs and lift the incomes of working people, bold transformation reforms included in BUILD BACK BETTER have been held hostage to corporate influence in Congress. The continuing effects of the pandemic stress the dire need for structural reforms. President Biden should send a clear message: If Congress can’t act, he will. This year must be a year of bold EXECUTIVE ACTIONS!

    THE IMPERIAL COUNCIL OF SAN FRANCISCO is holding the ANNUAL VOTING DAY FOR EMPEROR AND EMPRESS OF SAN FRANCISCO on February 19. One vote per person. Must have Photo ID with Proof of Residency in San Francisco, Marin, or San Mateo Counties. Polk Area Voting: “Cinch” 1723 Polk Street, 11 am–4 pm; Castro Voting: “Castro Muni Station”: 12 noon–6 pm; SOMA Voting: “Powerhouse” 1347 Folsom Street, 1 pm to 5 pm. Sister Dana sez, “If ya don’t vote, ya can’t complain!”

    It can now be announced that after a two-year pandemic pause, BURNING MAN returns August 28 to the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. So, dust off those tents and pull out those coolers! But more importantly, drag out your costume collection!!!

    Proudly transgender Ivory Aquino has just joined the cast of the much-anticipated film BATGIRL, playing the first openly transgender character in the flick. Aquino will step into the role of bartender Alysia Yeoh, a close friend of Barbara Gordon/Batgirl, played by Leslie Grace. She joins a cast roster that also includes JK Simmons as Commissioner Gordon, Michael Keaton as Batman, and Brendan Fraser as the villainous Firefly. Holy inclusivity, Batgirl!

    Joe Manchin holds the key vote on President Biden’s nominee to replace Justice Stephen Breyer. But Manchin has tanked so much of Biden’s agenda—I’m terrified he’s going to do it again!

    Sister Dana sez, “Hey Joe, for too long, you have dragged your feet, stood with Republicans, and held hostage Biden’s progressive agenda. We need to ensure that we are able to confirm a PROGRESSIVE JUSTICE as soon as possible. With our slim Senate majority, we need you on board!”

    Broadway’s Golden Age comes to life in A GRAND NIGHT FOR SINGING, a stunning tribute to the legendary Rodgers and Hammerstein—with a modern twist by San Francisco’s 42ND STREET MOON, 215 Jackson Street. Thirty-two of Broadway’s greatest songs written by one of Broadway’s most iconic partnerships celebrates both the hits and hidden gems—showing off Rodgers’ exquisite melodies and Hammerstein’s evocative lyrics featuring favorites from Oklahoma!, Carousel, South Pacific, The King and I, and more. March 10–27.

    Sister Dana sez, “With 108 of the last 115 Supreme Court Justices being white men, how DARE Repugnicans complain that Biden wants to specify the next Supreme Court Justice be a Black Woman!”

    “LOVE, A STATE OF GRACE” is a four-day performance installation February 11–18 at SF’s GRACE CATHEDRAL. The performance will be presented in one-hour cycles repeated over 3 hours, during which the audience may move freely within the Cathedral. With over 90-foot ceilings, stained glass, and multiple chambers, Grace Cathedral will provide a multifaceted platform of many vantage points for the audience.

    On February 17, 7 pm, LOCKDOWN COMEDY continues its Zoom show with comedians Becky Braunstein (Portland), Suwon Weaver (LA), Ian Williams (SF), producer/ comic Lisa Geduldig (SF & Florida), and her 90-year-old mom, Arline Geduldig (Florida). Laugh along with me!

    I can proudly announce that we SF SISTERS OF PERPETUAL INDULGENCE will once again hold our annual Easter Sunday fundraiser party in Dolores Park: “SISTERS’ EASTER: BACK TO OUR OLD HABITS!” featuring the “Hunky Jesus Contest,” “Foxy Mary Contest,” and “Bonnet Contest”—along with “Children’s Easter.” It will be an EGGcellent afternoon!

    Sister Dana and Dennis say, “I want to thank all my friends and/or column reading fans who are sending me so much love, healing thoughts, and prayers during this time of excruciating physical pain. It means so much to me! I may not be wealthy, but I am certainly RICH with friends!!!”

    Published on February 10, 2022