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    Speaking to Your Soul 5.19.22

    By Elisa Quinzi–

    June is a cocktail party where you and I meet to talk about the higher mind. The playground must be stretched wider. The game, more inclusive. If we keep our borders closed, we imprison ourselves. Every one of us has a piece of the puzzle, and by coming together we see the big picture. We’ve relied on baby talk for far too long now. It’s time to use our words to tell a new story, and take responsibility for the life we signed up for. *If you’ve been enjoying this column, take advantage of half-price readings from now until summer solstice! See contact info at bottom.

    ARIES (March 21–April 19)

    Confidence is high, and your charisma is an asset in making new connections and starting new ventures on the right foot. Initiate conversations that will leave people feeling hopeful.

    TAURUS (April 20–May 20)

    You are attuned to nature, to silence, and to the mind-boggling perfection of life in all its forms. Because of your sign’s connection with the throat chakra, it seems clear you’ve come here to express how beautiful life on earth is. You’ve come to show us how rich both soil and stillness are, and that nothing extra is needed to experience harmony.

    GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

    Consider starting this new cycle on a new plane of thought. As the gatekeeper, you can edit the flow of information. As the shaman, you pass back and forth between two worlds, and tell us what you’ve seen. Language is your superpower, so be intentional about what you are creating with your words.

    CANCER (June 21–July 22)

    Flashes of insight are not only possible but probable now. Trust and openness to receive higher guidance magnetizes it to you. Realign or reignite your mission according to such guidance.

    LEO (July 23–August 22)

    Be on the lookout for people who seem different than you, who might prove to share ideals with you. As you venture outside your comfort zone, you connect with your soul tribe. As you speak what you know, you’ll draw in those who vibe with you.

    VIRGO (August 23–September 22)

    You are given the courage to leap; to put yourself out there. Don’t be discouraged by any setbacks or seeming roadblocks, as they may test your resolve. This is the place on the path where you slay your dragons, and forge onward.

    LIBRA (September 23–October 22)

    You can meet someone who shows you a bigger perspective. A field of study may become compelling. Keep your mind open and listen for messages and signs so as to allow your world to open up.

    SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)

    Go ahead and bring up death. Bring it closer to us. You add depth to our lives, and you often are the most interesting soul in the room for your wisdom in the dark. You are made of ancient particles for whom time is a joke.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21)

    Listen to what people close to you are telling you. Allow yourself to be impacted by them. You become a better teacher as your own picture of reality expands. 

    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19)

    You do well to humbly listen to the feedback of others. As the goat, you achieve plenty all on your own, but it serves your goals to use feedback from the environment, and make necessary course corrections. Doing so changes your karma.

    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)

    Be bold and engage the people you cross paths with throughout the day. Your soul needs to express itself. A calling emerges from within you.

    PISCES (February 19–March 20)

    Go within for the information you seek. Trust yourself. Trust the earth. Trust your instincts. Stay curious. Stay Light.

    Elisa Quinzi is a certified professional astrologer who brings a strong spiritual perspective, as well as over 20 years of experience, to her work with clients. Contact her at or at 818-530-3366 with your exact birth time to schedule or to ask questions.

    Published on May 19, 2022