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    A Poem for National Poetry Month and Earth Day 2023

    Kit Kennedy

    By Kit Kennedy–

    Here’s to a Good Life

    A healthy mix micro and macro with a dollop 
    of inquiry. Like the world we inhabit, no question  
    is too small, too large, nor impersonal. See a robin,
    why do you hear your dad whistling? When you
    encounter a sandhill crane’s cry, what eerie
    daydream are you inhabiting? Do rain beads 
    on a leaf remind you of your mother’s string of pearls?  
    Does the perfume of magnolia recall your first love?
    Why do two ladybugs magnified on a bed of pollen
    translate into bliss? How does a prism comfort 
    your friend? When you hold that photo of a baby
    bear pushing its mama across a field, do you recall
    your lover giggling? When your partner painted 
    the front door that unexpected shade of jade—
    which you have come to love—do you regret  
    your first response?
    Language and nature share a love of the small 
    and the enormous. Rearranging the twenty-six 
    petite squiggles of our alphabet into words 
    opens world upon world of question and awe.
    Even lust and love.Indeed, landscape  
    and language create a bouquet of wonder.  
    Take a walk. Look up. Look down.  
    Or gaze out a window. See that robin.  
    Surprise your new friend with a Spring sonnet.  

    Kit Kennedy is the Poet-in-Residence of the “San Francisco Bay Times” and at herchurch Ebenezer Lutheran

    ( ). She has published 5 poetry collections, and for several years hosted the poetry series at Gallery Café. For more information, please visit her blog:

    Poet in Residence
    Published on April 6, 2023