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    Gasoline and Matches

    astrolHave you noticed the edginess in the air lately? This is not a time to collapse or to shrink away from your own suffering or that of others. Humanity is being shown, with terrifying clarity, where we are stuck. Pema Chodron teaches us that “fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.” Our collective spiritual evolution may be at odds with our varied individual desires, but rather than apathetically blaming the other guy, try standing in his shoes and realize we are all scared and scrambling for our own power. Be truthful to, and responsible for, the things that matter to you, while holding a compassionate, inclusive, and gentle eye on those with whom you do not agree. When everyone sees themselves in the other, and cannot remember what they were fighting for, the collective needs of humanity may be realized.

    ARIES (March 21–April 19) Your career is a bed of red-hot lava. Authority figures may cause an additional eruption, but rest assured that you have the power in your punch to forge a new path for yourself. At the very least, you will have unusual stamina that will get you through the change in landscape.

    TAURUS (April 20–May 20) The thunderous roar from the gods will awaken a calling within you that leads you into uncharted territories. Fear not, for you will have sudden insights informing your committed feet on this new path. Keep in tune with your deepest impulses and animal instincts.

    GEMINI (May 21–June 20) A new tribe is sending smoke signals while you are fiercely battling the emotional demons that tie you to your past. The Universe is gifting you the weapon imbued with the necessary wisdom needed to fight your way out of this limiting frame of reference so you can follow the trail of smoke to your new family.

    CANCER (June 21–July 22) Every battle presented this month in your relationships is a battle worth showing up to fight. You will grain strength and knowledge that you need to protect your tender heart. This is a necessary step to becoming undefended in love. You must know how to use your sword, or you will never feel safe enough to put it down.

    LEO (July 23–August 22) Structure and form are equally important as spontaneity and formlessness. Create some new habits with how you structure your daily routines. True freedom generally starts with commitment, and you will have fortitude to forge a solid, reliable path.

    VIRGO (August 23–September 22) Life teachings and wisdom can be found in light-hearted play as well as in discipline and hard work. Sudden insights into your unconscious material will leave you dancing in the streets, or the sheets. You have earned the right to a degree of uninhibited binging.

    LIBRA (September 23–October 22) Someone in your home will likely push your buttons, causing a complete disturbance in the peace. Flow with the fray. Let it ruffle your more mature sensibility and rational mind, as the turbulence is the only current path for change.

    SCORPIO (October 23–November 21) You may find that your edgy tone will offend those around you. You have been chosen to say the things that nobody else has the courage to say. Although you may begin with stability and poise, your words may set off a squall of unrest. This discord is the necessary evil before change.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21) Your current responsibilities, and the way you organize and value your commitments, will certainly conflict with your more spontaneous impulsive side. An awakening of creative potential is the lava that flows from this inner discourse. Continue to toil as the eruptions create new landscapes rich with the heat of your soul.

    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19) Your authority will be challenged by the very members of your clan. Loosening around your image of being the one in charge will help you dissolve the very mask that makes you feel alone at the top. Let the instability being produced make you more accessible and human.

    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18) Deeply entrenched in the collective’s onslaught of suffering, you may find yourself encountering the ghosts of humanity’s past. Sort out what is your personal material, and what you are merely absorbing and voicing for the collective. Give both a means of expression.

    PISCES (February 19–March 20) You have to slay those dragons that keep you from splitting your mystical self and your ordinary self. Do not denounce the material world in an effort to find God. If you float out of your shoes, who will bridge the portal? Your tribe needs you to operate within the structures of ordinary reality.

    Linda Amburgey has owned Crystal Way Metaphysical Center for 11 years, and has been an Intuitive Reader for 20 years. To book readings, on-going counseling for couples or individuals, events and parties, please e-mail her at or call 415-218-5096. Mention this column for a $10 discount.
