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    The Grand Ducal Council’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

    By Kippie Marks–

    Wow! What a spectacular and most memorable 50 Years of Camp and Royalty Celebration Gala! It was presented by the Council of Grand
    Dukes and Duchesses of San Francisco, Marin, and San Mateo counties, and took place at the California Academy of Sciences on September 22, 2023.

    The evening was filled with tons of campy fun, laughter, surprises, scrumptious foods, interactive table trivia of the 50 years of history of the organization, a spectacular no host bar, a beautifully catered buffet dinner, awesome commemorative decorations, gift bags, and, yes, everyone was dressed to the nines.

    There was the Tour of the Universe, and Expedition Reef showing in the Morrison Planetarium, and guests could also walk around the many educational open spaces including the rooftop overlooking Golden Gate
    Park that had beautiful views for the eyes to feast upon. The 50th Anniversary cake was so yummy that I found myself having several
    pieces. And, of course, there was a historical display of the articles I have
    had the honor of writing through our media sponsor the San Francisco
    Bay Times.

    There were brilliant speakers including Coco LaChine (first in line of succession to Queen Mother Nicole Murray Ramirez of The International Court System), and a surprise Sainthood presented by The Sisters
    of Perpetual Indulgence (Sisters Roma, Anni Coque L’Doo, and Tee Kow) to The Native American Goddess of Glitter Grand Duchess XXXVI Landa Lakes, who, in turn, presented a fabulous speech concerning the Grand Ducal Council’s 50-year history.

    Please give a readers’ round of applause to the 50th Gala Committee
    who brought us all a once in a lifetime fabulous event:

    Patrick Noonan
    Landa Lakes
    Sophilya Leggz
    Carlos Medal
    David C. Herrera
    Diva LaFever
    Miso Hornay
    Olivia Hart
    Todd Baron
    Kippy Marks
    Victor Sanchez
    Anthony Anchundo

    Here is a message from the 50th Gala Committee Chair Patrick

    “Salutations everyone!

    I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for an incredible 50th Anniversary gala. It was an amazing evening. All of our hard work and efforts paid off.

    I heard and read so many comments such as, ‘Last night was lovely. It was a definite change,’ ‘G-damn great job,’ ‘Fantastic night!,’ ‘Great job, everyone,’ and so forth. Coco LaChine was wowed by the venue.

    The centerpieces, programs, the crest, the jpeg banner, and San Francisco
    Bay Times displays were amazing. The food was delicious. Hayden from Knight’s Catering said the staff mentioned how wonderful the guests were and many complimented on the food to the staff. The butternut squash
    ravioli was a hit!

    Hopefully we can all gather together soon to celebrate our accomplishments and discuss ways to improve for our 60th.

    Peace & Love & All Good Things, Patrick”

    I want to give a special thank you to our media sponsor San Francisco Bay Times publishers Jennifer Viegas and Dr. Betty Sullivan for trusting in me and allowing me the honor of archiving this incredible organization that is The Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco, Marin, and San Mateo counties. (Editor’s Note: All of us here at the Bay Times were very proud to do so and to welcome back Kippy Marks—additionally a phenomenal musician and performer—as a columnist!)

    All hail the Grand Ducal Council!

    Hip Hip!
    Hip Hip!
    Long live The Grand Ducal Council!

    Kippy Marks is Grand Duke XL of The Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco. He is the first ever elected African-American Grand Duke.

    Celebrating 50 Years of the Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco
    Published on October 5, 2023