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    Speaking to Your Soul: 11.2.21

    By Elisa Quinzi–

    There is a tremendous impulse toward getting free arising now. Intense emotion and a sense of urgency permeate our atmosphere and seek a mode of release. Freedom is relative to the situation we find ourselves in, ranging anywhere from physical imprisonment to being held captive by our beliefs and perceptions. In our drive for liberation, there is a vulnerability to destructive behavior proportional to our belief in separateness. At the level of consciousness where we recognize our inherent unity with all of life, the impulse to get free is paired with a desire to free all beings. We do well then to relate to each other from the awareness that we are all made of energy, connected by our energy, and influencing the whole thing with our vibration as it directly ripples outward across the universe.

    ARIES (March 21–April 19)

    Choose what you give your passion to. See the reality you wish to see. You’re pulling from the infinite. Thought is the medium that the infinite filters through, so your real power is in your perspective.

    TAURUS (April 20–May 20)

    You are the manifestor, bending thoughts into things. This is why your senses are so attuned to the beauty and pleasures of Earth: to invite you to follow your desires and trust that they will lead you to greater harmony in the bigger picture.

    GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

    “Peace compels all mysteries to reveal themselves,” writes pioneering astrologer Dane Rudhyar. Your insatiable curiosity compels you to take in more data, and to keep seeking input. There is a deeper knowledge available to you that is accessible only through shifting your awareness, like a dial on a radio. Let tension drop away amidst your rising consciousness. Rest in the depth and eternality of the present moment.

    CANCER (June 21–July 22)

    Check in with yourself if it’s about time to leave the old shell aside and take a risk on your own behalf. Security is what you seek, but freedom is what you’ll find on the other side of vulnerability.

    LEO (July 23–August 22)

    The atmosphere is ripe for stirring the family stew. Have the emotional courage to express your truth without concern for converting anyone. As you radiate your soft glow, others are warmed. 

    VIRGO (August 23–September 22)

    Follow an impulse to sign up for a course or workshop, especially if it is about how to teach a course or workshop. Take bold action on an idea whose time has come. The universe has something to say and you are the unique way it wants to say it.

    LIBRA (September 23–October 22)

    The planets want you to know you are ready for your close-up. You might not feel ready, but you absolutely must fake it ’til you make it until you are the one who believes.

    SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)

    You’re in a period of great awakening. Give yourself plenty of freedom to act on the intuitive glimpses you catch of higher realms. Bolts of insight flash, triggering the shedding of an old identity.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21)

    Deep dive into your interior to unshackle your warrior, as you are preparing to begin a phase of greater authenticity. Your feelings are a gateway to your power. Have the courage to follow the breadcrumbs to a more meaningful existence.

    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19)

    Is your vision of the future aligned with who you really are? You have the capacity to achieve goals, so don’t allow nihilistic views to dampen your doorway. Book your flight on the next rocket to space if need be in order to get a better view, and shift your paradigm around what’s possible.

    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)

    Your experiences around belonging have informed your ideas around what you are capable of achieving. Trust lives at the base of your spine, in the depth of your core. The more you follow your self-knowledge, the safer you feel, and the more potent you become in the world.

    PISCES (February 19–March 20)

    End your reliance on the storyline. Open your inner eyes to what Terence McKenna calls “the felt presence of immediate experience.” It’s in this elusive location that your soul waits to bring you alive.

    Elisa Quinzi is a certified professional astrologer who brings a strong spiritual perspective, as well as over 20 years of experience, to her work with clients. Contact her at or at 818-530-3366 with your exact birth time to schedule or to ask questions. For more information:

    Speaking to Your Soul
    Published on November 2, 2023