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    Memory Keepers Initiative: Creating Change Through Music

    The Memory Keepers Initiative, an oral history project intended to uplift and preserve the stories of our visionary LGBTQ+ elders, is a new addition to the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus’ (SFGMC) programming. Hosted by queer icon and San Francisco Bay Times columnist Donna Sachet, the Memory Keepers Initiative inaugural program will be presented on January 11 at 7 pm at the The Chan National Queer Arts Center (170 Valencia Street).

    “Stories have transformational power, and we keep legacies alive by sharing them,” said SFGMC Artistic Director Jacob Stensberg. “The purpose of oral history projects is to capture and record our heritage as to not become a community of forgetters; rather, to learn from the strength, courage, and wisdom of those who came before us.” 

    For the event this month, Sachet will be joined by fellow Bay Times columnist Derek Barnes, who is also an activist and member of several LGBTQ+ boards of directors; Selisse Berry, who founded the organization Out and Equal; and SF Empress Alexis Miranda. There will be a 90-minute interactive panel discussion, followed by an invitation for attendees to remain and record their own stories about queer history in the Bay Area. Volunteers will be present to audio or video record anyone with a story to tell and a desire to share it for posterity.

    The Memory Keepers Initiative for 2024 will consist of four programs. In addition to the one for January, events in the series will take place on February 29, April 18, and May 16. A donation of $30 is recommended, but in an effort to make the events accessible to all, they are “pay what you can.” Tickets are available at

    Published on January 11, 2024