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    Diversity as Strength: Pioneering Inclusive Business Practices

    By Tony Archuleta-Perkins–

    Dear Friends and Supporters of the Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA),

    As we continue our mission to foster inclusivity and diversity within the LGBTQ+ business community, we’d like to take a moment to highlight the innovative initiatives and programs that have been the cornerstone of our advocacy efforts. The GGBA has always believed in the transformative power of diversity as a strength, leading us to pioneer inclusive business practices that set a benchmark for the world.

    Our commitment to nurturing an inclusive business environment is exemplified through the Certified LGBT Business Enterprise® (LGBTBE) Certification in collaboration with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). This certification not only validates LGBTQ+ businesses but also opens doors to countless opportunities for growth and visibility.

    Moreover, our Make Contact networking events and Power Lunch Series are designed to facilitate meaningful connections and discussions among LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs and allies. These platforms encourage knowledge sharing, mentorship, and collaboration, reinforcing the GGBA’s role in creating a vibrant and supportive business community.

    This year, we have launched the Intersection Connection series—quarterly networking events tailored to specific industries to foster deep connections and showcase diverse talents. The inaugural event is scheduled for March 20 at Mindspace coworking offices, focusing on “Real Estate and related” industries.

    Also, in a landmark partnership with the Transgender District, we’re rolling out the TGX Employment and Entrepreneurship Initiative, focusing on supporting transgender and gender-expansive individuals in their professional journeys, with details on our kickoff event coming soon. We’re also planning an innovative TGX Welcoming Workplaces and Employment Matchmaker event to promote workplace inclusivity and facilitate direct employment connections alongside developing a formal mentorship program to guide emerging professionals.

    Our commitment to cultivating an inclusive, equitable business landscape is foundational to our mission, marking not an endpoint but an ongoing journey of transformation—one we eagerly encourage our community to be an integral part of. This journey seamlessly paves the way for the core of our work: advocacy.

    At the heart of our endeavors, the GGBA’s dedication to advocacy is unwavering, as we strive to reshape policies and practices that foster equality. Our focus on ensuring the inclusion of LGBTQ+-owned businesses in both public and private sector procurement processes is relentless. By fostering strategic partnerships with organizations and entities that share our vision, we are able to expand our influence and impact, further advancing our goal of a more inclusive business world.

    Our partnerships with corporate sponsors, governmental agencies, and other nonprofit organizations greatly enhance the GGBA’s achievements in advocating for diversity and inclusion. These collaborations provide essential resources and support, enabling us to undertake initiatives that directly benefit the LGBTQ+ business community.

    Notably, in 2015, GGBA played a pivotal role in the passage of California Assembly Bill 1678, which integrated LGBTQ+ businesses into California Public Utilities procurement programs. Building on this success, in 2016, we led the charge to ensure the inclusion of LGBTQ+ businesses in contracting opportunities with major sports organizations, including the NFL, for Super Bowl 50 (a feat we hope to duplicate in 2026). Additionally, our advocacy efforts resulted in the landmark inclusion of LGBTQ+-certified firms in BART’s procurement programs, marking a significant milestone in fostering inclusivity and economic empowerment for LGBTQ+ businesses.

    As we gear up for GGBA’s 50th anniversary on June 7, we reflect on our journey and the milestones achieved. This golden jubilee not only celebrates our past achievements but also sets the stage for our future endeavors in championing an inclusive business community.

    We invite all our members, partners, and stakeholders to mark their calendars for our grand gala at San Francisco City Hall, a fitting tribute to our collective efforts and achievements.

    Stay connected with us through GGBA PowerConnect 2024 ( ) for updates on this landmark event and more.

    In closing, we believe that diversity is our greatest strength. Together, we continue to pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable business world.

    With gratitude and pride,
    Tony Archuleta-Perkins, MBA, MS
    President, Golden Gate Business Association

    Tony Archuleta-Perkins is the founder and owner of Ide8 Real Estate. He has worked in finance for 25 years, ten of those years specifically as a fractional CFO. He has two master’s degrees: an MBA and a Master of Science in Real Estate. In addition to his educational and professional pedigree, Archuleta-Perkins has a passion for advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. He proudly volunteers and serves on two boards here in San Francisco: President of the Golden Gate Business Association and Treasurer of the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance, SF Chapter. He and his husband enjoy international traveling and scuba diving. 

    GGBA Calendar of Events

    Intersection Connection: Real Estate (& Related) Focused Networking
    March 20, 2024
    6–8 pm
    Location: Mindspace

    April Make Contact
    April 9, 2024
    6–8 pm
    Location: Brio Financial Headquarters

    New (& Prospective) Member Orientation
    Apr 17, 2024
    6–8 pm

    GGBA Message From Leadership
    Published on March 21, 2024