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    Pink Triangle Canvas Briefly Displayed at The Academy SF Before Installation on Twin Peaks

    Patrick Carney, the Founder of the Pink Triangle project, and his husband Hossein brought a canvas from the Pink Triangle display to The Academy SF for the “Eve of Pride Party” as part of the Divas & Drinks series of monthly events on May 31, 2024. The brightly colored pink canvas is one of 175 that is now part of the 29th Pink Triangle on Twin Peaks.

    This year’s Pink Triangle is larger than ever. It is outlined by three 5-foot-wide sheets of sailcloth, which are each up to 230 feet long. Hundreds of volunteers helped with the border installation on June 7 and the main installation on June 8.

    It was therefore a rare and ephemeral moment to have part of the display at The Academy SF just hours before the start of Pride Month. Several guests at Divas & Drinks had their photo taken in front of the canvas by photographers Michael Kirschner and Rink.

    As Carney explained in a piece last month in the San Francisco Bay Times, “The Pink Triangle of Twin Peaks is a highly-visible yet mute reminder of inhumanity and recalls one the darkest chapters in human history—the Holocaust. It is nearly an acre in size and can be seen for 20 miles and is a giant in-your-face educational tool. It’s a warning and a reminder of what has happened in the past and might happen again if we aren’t vigilant.”

    Volunteers will be needed to take down the display on Twin Peaks on the evening of Sunday, June 30. To sign up to help with this effort, go to:

    For more information about the Pink Triangle of Twin Peaks:

    Published on June 13, 2024