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    Join Me at the 2024 San Francisco Pride Parade

    By Assemblymember Phil Ting–

    Happy Pride Month! Please join me in what will be my last San Francisco Pride Parade as an Assemblymember. Reserve a spot by June 21 to be part of my delegation by visiting my website ( Invite your friends and family too because there’s so much to celebrate, and I thank you for being right there with me over the years, as I proudly supported and fought for LGBTQ+ rights throughout my public service career.

    One of my first acts was back in 2008, as the City’s Assessor Recorder. I signed the first same-sex marriage license legally recognized by the state of California. The couple was Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin. What a memorable and historic day that was.

    Then as an Assemblymember elected in 2012, I brought that same fire to Sacramento. I championed laws that ensure California is inclusive, and that members of the LGBTQ+ community are treated fairly and equally. Among my legislative highlights:

    AB 1792: All single-user restrooms in California businesses, government buildings and public spaces must be accessible to all genders. It helps reduce threats to transgender individuals who were harassed, denied access, or physically assaulted when using gender-specific facilities.

    AB 783: Local governments must notify people who are applying for a business license that single-user restrooms must be open to everyone. This ensures great compliance with the aforementioned law.

    AB 362: The Same-Sex Couple Tax Fairness Act ended a discriminatory state tax. At one point, health benefits in same-sex partnerships were taxed by the federal government as income, and when some California companies reimbursed that tax to their employees, the state taxed that reimbursement. That is no longer allowed.

    AB 2448: The Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) is required to create a model training program for employees of businesses on how to spot, report, and properly respond to incidents of discrimination and harassment against their customers.

    AB 449: Starting next month, all law enforcement agencies in California are required to have a hate crimes policy, so that such cases are properly recorded and victims can get the resources they need. Some jurisdictions have reported no hate crimes, which I find hard to believe. Standardizing procedure will give us accurate data, which will help us find solutions to prevent hate.

    On top of these laws, during my tenure as Assembly Budget Chair, I supported state funding for the following projects in San Francisco:

    • National LGBTQ Center for the Arts: $500,000 to support a historic center that is also serving as an arts facility and public space to highlight the LGBTQ community;
    • Harvey Milk and Eagle Plazas: $1 million for the renovation of Harvey Milk Plaza to become a place for reflection, not just a transit station; and $100,000 for the renovation of Eagle Plaza, the world’s first LGBTQ-leather public plaza;
    • GLBT Museum: $250,000 to establish a permanent home for the proposed Museum of LGBTQ History and Culture, where stories and cultures of our diverse communities can be gathered, preserved, studied, and made widely available.

    On a statewide level, we made health investments to ensure we had adequate MPX vaccine supplies, as well as robust programs for anyone in need of AIDS drugs or Hepatitis C services. California also made sure LGBTQ+ students have support centers at schools.

    Let’s commemorate these accomplishments by marching together during the San Francisco Pride Parade. The route begins south of Market Street, close to the Embarcadero MUNI/BART station, and runs to San Francisco’s Civic Center. Anyone who RSVPs at my website will get an email about our precise meeting location, where we will gather at 10 am.

    Marchers will receive a commemorative t-shirt and will take home great memories. Plus, a free lunch will be served at a nearby outdoor reception, co-hosted by your San Francisco delegation: me, Senator Scott Wiener and Assemblymember Matt Haney. The venue will be provided at the end of the parade.

    I look forward to seeing you all on June 30!

    Phil Ting represents the 19th Assembly District, which includes the west side of San Francisco along with the communities of Broadmoor, Colma, and Daly City, as well as part of South San Francisco and San Bruno.

    Assemblymember Phil Ting
    Published on June 13, 2024