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    Sister Dana sez, “Now that PRIDEMONTH is over…”

    By Sister Dana Sez, Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun–

    Sister Dana sez, “Now that PRIDEMONTH is over, should we be less proud to be LGBTQ? Absolutely NOT! Queer Pride is 24/7/365! Now—more than ever—we need to stand up for your rights and for our fellow Americans’ rights!”

    the Sixty years ago, on July 2, 1964, the CIVILRIGHTS ACT (prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin) was signed into law “to eliminate the last vestiges of injustice in our beloved country,” according to then President Lyndon B. Johnson. “We have come now to a time of testing we must not fail. “Accordingly, on the July 2 anniversary, President Joe Biden stated, “It is still the task of our time to build a democracy where every American is treated with dignity, and has an equal opportunity to follow their dreams. We must continue to move forward together, stand with one another, and choose democracy over autocracy—and beloved community over chaos.” President Biden emphatically concluded, “Wemust choose to be believers, dreamers, and doers!”

    The mission of THE FRIENDS OFHARVEY MILK PLAZA is to reimagine the Castro Plaza as a welcoming, vibrant space that honors the late, great Supervisor Harvey Milk’s life and legacy, celebrates his enduring importance to the LGBTQ community, and inspires by acting as a beacon of hope to marginalized communities worldwide. Recently, at the EUREKA VALLEY NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION, the Friends of Harvey Milk Plaza (FHMP) received a Certificate of Honor from the Board of Supervisors. In his remarks at the meeting, FHMP Executive Director Brian Springfield said, “I want to share this recognition by the Board of Supervisors with every single member of the community who ever attended a community meeting about the project, participated in a listening session or a workshop, who answered an online survey or attended a Zoom meeting, or shared their thoughts in person, by phone, or by email. This project, and this recognition, belongs to them.”

    More good news from The Board of Supervisors, which has voted unanimously to declare San Francisco a sanctuary city for transgender, gendernonconforming, nonbinary,and Two-Spirit people. Our city is one of the first in the nation to do so amid a push by some conservative statesto limit trans rights.

    Former contestants of RuPaul’s Drag Racehave started DRAGPAC, a political action committee that seeksto “protect LGBTQ rights through democratic action in 2024.”The PAC was announced in a YouTube video.The founding members are Alaska, JinkxMonsoon, BenDeLaCreme,Peppermint,and Monét XChange. The performers said they were compelledto form the PACbecause of the many anti-LGBTQ bills that have been introduced inthe past years, including legislation aimed at restricting drag shows. The PAC’s introductory video states that the group’s goal is to register more voters and to encourage some of the registered voters who did not participate in2020 to vote in the 2024 election. So far, six Republican-led states have passed legislation restricting drag performances;but judges have blocked most as violations of free speech. Additionally, more than500 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced in state legislatures this year, according to the ACLU. Sister Dana sez, “We should agree with the DRAG PAC motto: ‘Our diversity drives democracy’!”

    Sister Dana sez, “On the Fourth of July, we Americans joyously celebrated our Independence from theKing of England. So, on NEXT July 4(2025), will we be ruled by the newest King of Autocratic America, MAGA Trump?! Hell, NO! It’s up to us rebels to vote for democracy!”

    “Drunk Drag Broadway” is back at SF Oasis, and this time it’s DRUNK DRAGDIZNEY ON BROADWAY! Join the dynamic duo of Chyna Maykit as “Drinker Bell” and Elsa Touche as the “Fairy Grog Mother” as tipsy narrators whisking you away on an insane live singing musical parody drag mash-up adventure through your favorite Disney classics from the House of Mouse with nine other inebriates singing and dancing their wigs off! Ten performances July 11–27, 29811th Street.

    The RICHMOND/ERMET AIDFOUNDATION (REAF) will present their “Help Is on the Way 30th Anniversary Concert & Gala,” BROADWAY &BEYOND, on Sunday, July 14, 7:30 pm, at the Marines’ Memorial Theater, 609Sutter Street (for the concert) and at Beacon Grand Hotel, 450 Powell Street (for the VIP after-party with the cast). This isa benefit for PROJECT OPEN Hand and REAF’s SMALL EMERGENCYGRANTS PROGRAM. Produced by Ken Henderson & Joe Seiler, this amazing show will feature cast members from the Broadway touring cast of Mrs. Doubtfire—with the lead actor (two-time Tony nominee) Rob McClure, hosting the evening as Mrs. Doubtfire. The stellar guest stars in alphabetical order will be: Debby Boone—Grammy Award-winningrecording star; Jason Brock—Top 10 from TV’s X-Factor/cabaret star; David Burnham—Broadway star (Light in the Piazza, Wicked); Sam Harris—Broadway/cabaretstar; Faith Prince—Tony Award-winning(Guys & Dolls) Broadway star; Bruce Vilanch—Broadway (Hairspray)/TV star and comedian; Lisa Vroman—Broadwaystar (Phantom of the Opera, Les Miz); Jennifer Leigh Warren—Broadway star (Big River);and Paula West—jazz/cabaret star. I should mention that Bruce Vilanch will receive the coveted Performer Lifetime AchievementAward! And please note that this is the 30thyear of REAF doing GALA fundraisers for the Community, raising over 4.5

    SAN FRANCISCO PLAYHOUSE’s2023–24 season concludes with Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s Tony Award-winning Broadway musical EVITA.This captivating musical, set in Argentina between 1934–1952, explores the life and meteoric rise of First Lady of Argentina Eva Perón, transforming from a poor child Toan ambitious actress, to the most powerful woman in Latin America as the wife of military leader-turned-President Juan Perón.San Francisco Playhouse Artistic Director and Co-Founder Bill English stages this renowned musical. Premiering in the West End in 1978 starring Elaine Paige in the title role, Evita’s Broadway production ran for nearly four years and won Tony Awards for Best Musical, Best Original Score, Best Book of a Musical, and Tony Awards for stars Patti LuPone and Mandy Patinkin. The stage show was adapted into a1996 film featuring an iconic cast including Madonna, Antonio Banderas, andJonathan Pryce, and was recognized with two Golden Globe Awards. A note from the artistic director: “I selected Evita because knew it was going to be an election year in the U.S. and our democracy was certain to be on the line. I thought, ‘wouldn’t it be interesting to look at another time and place where a very charismatic populist leader rose up with his incredibly charismatic, popular wife to be elected to office and then—at least as the musical and some historical narratives say—began to dismantleessential elements of democracy?’” Interesting indeed! Now through September 7, 450Post Street.

    AIDS WALK SAN FRANCISCO 2024 is excited to return in-person to Golden Gate Park on July 21. Since its inception in 1987,AIDS Walk San Francisco has inspired thousands of Bay Area residents to walk, donate, and volunteer in the fight against HIV/AIDS, raising more than $96 million for organizations across seven Bay Area counties. Each dollar raised brings us closer to the vision of an HIV/AIDS-free world, where everyone can live with dignity, health, and equality. Check-in opens at8 am. Meet in Robin Williams Meadow before embarking on the 5K walk, which will march around the park and back into the meadow. Pre-Walk festivities are at 10am, and the actual Walk begins 10:30 am. The Post-Walk picnic will be from noon to3 pm. Register in advance at

    Sister Dana (aka Dennis McMillan) was a star of the San Francisco Bay Times contingent in the Pride Parade on Sunday, June 30. After completing the parade route, he and photographer Chris Michaelson made their way to San Francisco City Hall for the annual SF Pride ViP Party.
    Photo by Rink

    The Tony-Award winning SAN FRANCISCOMIME TROUPE has opened their 65th season with a new musical, AMERICAN DREAMS: Was Democracy Just a Dream? Running throughout theaters and parks in the Bay Area and parts of Northern California, now through September 8, all shows are free. A short synopsis: A Black man tired of failed Liberal promises is ready to give up. But will a Conservative political victory be his dream come true? For his daughter, it’s a nightmare! Or will Artificial Intelligence catch fire before the election, like her boyfriend sees when he sleeps? Do android dream of electronic voting? Or was democracy just a dream all along? But whether you’re asleep or “Woke”—what some see as nightmares, others see as … American Dreams. For more info and complete schedules, click onto

    Join CASTRO MERCHANTS for the next CASTRO STROLL on July 21, noon to 5 pm! Featuring LGBTQ artists and live music every 3rd Sunday of the month along Castro Street, between 18th and 19thStreets through November. Come enjoy this free, family & friendly event hosted by Castro Merchants, supporting local artists, musicians, and small businesses.

    Remember when Taylor Swift encouraged her fan base to vote for Joe Biden in 2020? After that, the organization Vote managed to register more than 35,000 new voters. This superstar is doing it again—standing up for democracy and mobilizing her millions of followers to get out and vote! Sister Dana sez,“I am even more thrilled to still be a“Swiftie-nun!”

    Former President Barack Obama knows how dangerous Trump’s far-right justices are. Obama was FURIOUS after they overturned Roe v. Wade! On June 24,Obama famously stated, “The Supreme Court not only reversed nearly 50 years of precedent, it relegated the most intensely personal decision someone can make tithe whims of politicians and ideologues—attacking the essential freedoms of millions of Americans.” Sister Dana sez, “Trump and Mitch McConnell PACKED the Court with three moreanti-choice, anti-woman Justices. We need President Biden to nominate Obama to the Supreme Court to help restore balance!”

    Sister Dana Sez: Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun
    Published on July 11, 2024