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    Continuity and Consistency

    By Nancy Geenen, MA Ed., J.D.–

    As the acting President of the GGBA, I write with a sense of history and awe of the strength and resilience of our community. For those who attended the 50th Anniversary Gala in the rotunda at San Francisco City Hall, I hope you spent some time reviewing the history of our organization. We will continue to stand up and to speak out for those who will carry on our mission of opportunity, education, and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community in the Bay Area.

    I am grateful for the kind words and support from our members, our sponsors, and NGLCC (National LGBT Chamber of Commerce) leadership. The Board sends a special thank you to our sponsors JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo for the programs that our GGBA members deliver and attend.
    We invite you to visit our website and register for our events:

    • Make Contact on August 13;
    • GGBA Business Accelerator Program, Cohort 5, starting September 6;
    • Annual Membership Meeting on September 10;
    • New and Prospective Member Orientation (Date TBD).
    I also hope to see many of you at the NGLCC conference in Palm Springs, July 30–August 2.

    My Asks:

    1. Attend GGBA programs and events.
    2. Buy services and products from
      LGBTQ+ businesses, both locally and
    3. Certify your business with the NGLCC
      and keep your membership current.

    Our Board is working hard to continue the legacy of those who have come before us. Joining and participating on a volunteer working board is a big task. We have a strong core and are looking to add several board members who have experience serving on nonprofit boards with specific skills in digital communications, finance, governance, and/or marketing. If you are interested, please send an email indicating your interest to

    We intend to elect a full slate of directors at the September Membership Meeting.

    We are the World’s First LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce. We are a vibrant and healthy community of entrepreneurs and business owners who bring light and love to the world. We are building businesses and changing lives.

    For more information on the GGBA, please visit:

    Nancy Geenen is the Acting President of the Golden Gate Business Association. She is also the Principal and Chief Executive Officer at Flexibility

    GGBA Message from Leadership
    Published on July 25, 2024