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    About Our Cover 10.17.24

    Halloween in the Castro and Día de los Muertos in the Mission are annual rites of passage for many of us, but these and other important early fall observances are overshadowed by this year’s elections. From local, state, to national levels, critical decisions must be made that will help shape our lives for years and decades to come.

    “Save Ourselves”—mentioned as part of this issue’s cover—is not an exaggerated call to voter action. Consider the first item on the Republican Party platform: Unleash American Energy. “Under President Trump, the U.S. became the Number One Producer of Oil and Natural Gas in the World—and we will soon be again by lifting restrictions on American Energy Production and terminating the Socialist Green New Deal.”

    The Democratic Party platform, in contrast, emphasizes the need for “environmental justice,” “conservation,” producing “cleaner, more affordable energy,” and more.

    In a letter to President Biden, some of the world’s leading climate experts, as part of the Union of Concerned Scientists, wrote, “The science shows we must take bold actions now to sharply reduce heat-trapping emissions, limit climate change, and protect public health. As we endeavor to build a safer, more resilient world, centering the voices and needs of communities disproportionately impacted by environmental and climate injustices is essential.”

    Climate change is already having a significant impact on the planet and is expected to worsen in the future. The global cost is in both lives and dollars, with the latter estimated to be between $1.7 trillion and $3.1 trillion per year. The Republican platform is riddled with the phrase “common sense,” and yet “unleashing” unrestricted oil and natural gas defies logic at nearly every turn.

    Even the Democratic Party platform in respect to climate should have bolder steps in the view of many, but it at least takes into account basic science and offers greater hope.

    Now consider the Republican platform plans for the LGBTQ+ community. Guess what? There are none. Former president Trump seems forever to mention “transgender” in his hate-filled, fear-mongering campaign speeches, and yet the transgender community as well as all other LGBTQ+ communities are not even recognized in the party’s official platform.

    The Democratic platform, once again in stark contrast, has an entire section on LGBTQ+ rights. It begins: “For generations, LGBTQI+ Americans have summoned the courage to live authentically and proudly, even when it meant putting their lives and livelihoods at risk. LGBTQI+ Americans continue to inspire and bring hope to all people seeking a life true to who they are, and to enrich every aspect of American life. But the fight for equality is far from over, as the LGBTQI+ community continues to face attacks and bigotry in states across the country. Democrats are committed to defending LGBTQI+ rights.”

    We have not even touched on key issues such as a woman’s right to choose and gun safety. It goes without saying that the stakes in this year’s elections are enormously high. Experience is its own form of education and we each have our particular biases, making it all the more important to do what research is possible concerning this election season’s candidates and measures before voting. Now is the time to check out these and other sources:

    2024 Democratic Party Platform:

    2024 Republican Party Platform:

    League of Women Voters of San Francisco Voter Guide (including nonpartisan election sources):

    Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club Endorsements:

    Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club Endorsements:

    Election 2024
    Published on October 17, 2024