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    LGBTQ+ Dedicated Volunteers Celebrate Their Birthdays in Community

    Photos courtesy of Marta “Leticia” Ramos

    LGBTQ+ community volunteers and key leaders of the San Francisco Bay Times distribution operation, Juan R. Davila and Ahmed Shalabi, were joined recently by family, friends, and colleagues in observing milestone personal birthdays. As such, we are celebrating them as well and expressing our gratitude for the important roles they serve as veteran members of our team and dedicated contributors to multiple LGBTQ+ fundraisers, projects, and much more.

    Shalabi, who is the Owner/Operator of the Mail Access store located at 2166 Market Street, and his associates have provided critical San Francisco Bay Times distribution services, helping to make sure that copies of each issue produced are efficiently sent to subscribers located throughout the Bay Area and other regions of the U.S.

    Noted for his courtesy and effective customer service, Shalabi welcomes Castro residential neighbors as well as business personnel who rely on Mail Access for mail, shipping, packaging, deliveries, and other services. Many a day the sentiment, “Where would we be without Ahmed?” has been expressed when he has gone above and beyond to make things happen from his reliable location on Market Street between Noe and Sanchez streets.

    Davila, in turn, is one of the most recognizable personalities of the San Francisco Bay Times team who is known for his eye-catching attire and charismatic presence at locations all over San Francisco and other parts of the Bay Area.

    Through his exuberantly designed costumes; information tables and street booths at events, festivals, street fairs; sports activities; and more; Davila boosts the visibility and positive impact of the San Francisco Bay Times. Many readers and supporters, as well as members of other media outlets, have praised his leadership of the team of dancers who escort the Bay Times contingent annually at the San Francisco Pride Parade. He also regularly assists at Divas & Drinks @ The Academy events and other events presented by the Bay Times.

    Davila’s 45th birthday was celebrated at the First Unitarian Universalist Church as part of the Tenderloin Tessie Christmas Dinner. Host Michael Gagne led participants, staff, and attending dignitaries in acknowledging Davila’s birthday, which he celebrated in character as “The Grinch.”

    Davila, with his volunteer colleague Marta “Leticia” Ramos, enjoyed continuing the birthday festivities through their community service activities during the holidays in the Castro, Union Square, the Embarcadero, and other parts of San Francisco. During the holiday season, Davila assisted coordinators at the SF AIDS Foundation’s Santa Skivvies fundraiser, Castro Merchants Holiday Block Party and Night Market, and at other fundraisers.

    Big thanks are in order and much gratitude to both Ahmed Shalabi and Juan R. Davila from the San Francisco Bay Times.

    Published on January 16, 2024