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    April Is National Poetry Month

    kit2Inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, National Poetry Month, held every April, is the largest literary celebration in the world. Schools, publishers, libraries, booksellers and poets are all now celebrating poetry’s vital place in our culture.

    On April 30, consider participating in Poem in Your Pocket Day. All you have to do is select a favorite poem, carry it with you, and share it with others throughout the day. You won’t be alone, as individuals nationwide at schools, bookstores, libraries, parks, workplaces and other venues will be doing this as well. It’s a great conversation starter!

    In the meantime, we hope that you enjoyed the poem on page 14 by San Francisco Bay Times columnist and popular entertainer Karen Williams. Here’s another, from our own talented Poet-in-Residence Kit Kennedy.

    Kit Kennedy is also Poet-in-Residence at herchurch Ebenezer Lutheran. She has published 5 poetry collections, and for the past several years she has hosted the poetry series at Gallery Café. For more information, please visit her blog:

    Home by Kit Kennedy   Photo images by Stacy Boorn



    openly loves




    snails live in portable houses.

    Plants put down roots.

    Seeds ride breeze’s coattails.

    Birds build nests, then leave.

    We learn from them.

    To a ship both sea & harbor

    are home. The same may be said

    of a hand reaching for another’s.


    Unlikely as it seems

    poems, too, are houses.

    They have windows

    at least one door

    mirrors to remind

    dreams to quicken


    and a special chair

    to entertain the imagination.

    Each word – like a room

    a song, scarf, or fragrance –

    is a pocket of memories.


    And surely nothing

    is more affirming

    than sharing sweet words

    under the shelter of a kiss.